A slim, trim, MDX powered, Gatsby starter with CI builds, Renovate bot automatic updates, and easy publishing with Github Pages
Built on Westegg
- Create new repo using this one as starter
- Setup Github Actions
- Go to your Github account
Settings / Developer settings / Personal access tokens
- Create one named off your new repo and copy the token
- Go to your new repo
Settings / Secrets
and create one with keyACCESS_TOKEN
and the token as the value
- Go to your Github account
- Setup Github Pages
- Edit
file in repo to your domain withouthttps://
prefix - Go to your repo
Settings / Options / Github Pages
- Set
asgh-pages branch
- Set
Custom domain
to your domain - Update your domain provider with the following records (optionally replace
with a subdomain)CNAME @ {github username}.github.io. A @ A @ A @ A @
- Turn on
Enforce HTTPS
once your DNS records are updated
- Edit
- Setup Renovate Bot for automatic dependency upgrades
- Configure here and add permissions for your new repo