Lazy SPL to detect CVE-2022-22965 - Spring4Shell & CVE-2022-22963 exploitation.
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Read my write up here Detecting & Responding to Spring4Shell with Splunk | Medium
Splunk detection SPL for CVE-2022-22965 (Spring4Shell) webshell -- PoC Exploit
index=web_apps (sourcetype=nginx OR sourcetype=webapp_firewall) status=200
| rex field=url "(?<webShell>\/.*\.(jsp|class)\?.*=.*)"
| rex field=uri "(?<webShell>\/.*\.(jsp|class)\?.*=.*)"
| where isnotnull(webShell)
| eval Domain = mvappend(dest, domain), fullURL = mvappend(url, uri)
| table _time src_ip Domain status method webShell fullURL sourcetype
Splunk detection SPL for CVE-2022-22965 (Spring4Shell) PoC Exploit attempting to change Tomcat logging
index=web_apps (sourcetype=nginx OR sourcetype=webapp_firewall) (method=POST OR method=GET) url="*?class.module.classloader.resources.context.parent.pipeline.first.pattern=*"
| table _time src_ip dest_domain url headers user_agent status
Detection based on Linux audit logs (untested).
If you find suspicious files being created, correlate with type=CWD & check the 'cwd' path. Check if the path is your webapps' ROOT/ directory. Correlate with other above detection rules (nginx/web app firewall) to identify source IP.
index=linux_index sourcetype="linux:auditd" type=PATH name="*.jsp"
| table _time host type name
Detection for CVE-2022-22965 (Spring4Shell) PoC Exploit
index=web_apps (sourcetype=nginx OR sourcetype=webapp_firewall) status=200 (method=POST OR method=GET) (url=*.jsp* OR url=*.class*)
| table _time src_ip dest_domain url headers
Detecting from Linux syslog (CVE-2022-22963, not Spring4Shell)
index=linux_index sourcetype=linux_messages_syslog
| rex field=_raw "(?<execData>(?<=\.)getRuntime\(\)\.exec[^;]*)"
| where isnotnull(execData)
| table _time host execData
Detection for POC exploit (CVE-2022-22963, not Spring4Shell) -- PoC Exploit
index=web_apps (sourcetype=nginx OR sourcetype=webapp_firewall) (status=200 OR status=500) method=POST url="/functionRouter" // Better not to specify URL as anyone can change this
| rex field=headers "(?<execData>(?<=\.)getRuntime\(\)\.exec[^;]*)"
| table _time src_ip dest_domain execData url
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