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A low footprint set of angular 4 like typescript decorations for angular 1.5+


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ts-ng-tinydecorations — A low footprint decorations/annotations set for Angular 1.5+

This project has the aim to deliver a set of Angular like typescript decorations for AngularJS 1.5+, with a low code footprint. So it is ideal for projects which want the simplification, decorations can deliver, but also do not want to much additional code. While the project eases the porting of AngularJS 1.5+ apps to Angular. It is not its goal. Its aim is more to make the code for component libraries and small applications more readable, which need a small footprint solution to be embeddable.

If you want to introduce an Angular decorations in a bigger application, there are solutions with more code footprint however which are more complete and closer to what Angular 4 delivers

There also is a companion project the TinyDecs Codegen Project, which gives you a set of plugins for the various Jetbrains ides (aka Intellij, Webstorm, etc...) for easier TinyDecs/Angular artifact cration and maintenance.

Getting Started

Install via npm

Simply type

npm install ts-ng-tinydecorations

Download from github

Running the Examples

After downloading the project either use "./" (Linux/Unix/MacOS) or "install.cmd" to install the necessary dependencies to build the files and/or run the examples.

Once done, you can simply start the small example via "npm start" and then point your browser to http://localhost:8000/

Using the library

You can use the library either embedded in your typescript application or use a module loader to load and/or bundle it.

Embedding the Library

The Libraries Typescript dist file can be found in


Also the Javascript compilations and the respective d.ts files are hosted at this location.

So you either can use the typescript files directly or use the js files with their corresponding d.ts files.

An example on how to use the library via a module loader is hosted in the examples folder and can be started with "npm start"

The libraries are split into three parts to reduce the resulting code footprint.

  • The TinyDecorations lib hosts the Angular related decorators
  • The Caching hosts the caching decorators
  • and the Routing hosts the Routing helper functions and classes

If you use the Cache and/or Routing you also have to integrate the TinyDecorations as dependency.

There are no dependencies between Cache and Routing however.

Supported decorators

@NgModule(options: IModuleOptions)


- name: string - name for the module
- imports?: Array<string|Object> - Module imports
- exports?: Array<string|Object> - Module exports (kept mainly for upwards compatibility, does mostly the same as providers)
- providers?: Array<string|Object> - Providers providers for the module (components, constants, injectors etc..)

@Injectable(options:IServiceOptions) ... defines an injectable (maps to angular.service)

 - name: string - the name of the injectable

@Controller(options: IControllerOptions) .. a simple page controller

    - name: string - name of the controller
    - controllerAs?: string - template alias which can be reused in navigations (helper functions are provided)
    - template?: string - the template (navigational helper functions are provided)
    - templateUrl?: string - the template url (navigational helper functions are provided)
     name: "View2Ctrl",
     template: `
                 <p>This is the partial for view 2.</p>
                   Showing of 'interpolate' filter:
                   {{ 'Current version is v%VERSION%.' | interpolate }}
 export class View2Controller {
     constructor(private $timeout: any) {
             console.log("hello world");
         }, 1000);

@Component(options: ICompOptions) ... a standard angular component

- name: string - name of the component
- controllerAs?: string - template alias which can be reused in navigations (helper functions are provided)
- template?: string - the template (navigational helper functions are provided)
- templateUrl?: string - the template url (navigational helper functions are provided)
- selector?: string - the template selector (does not need to be camel cased)
- bindings?: { [key: string]: string } bindings override (you also can use @Input etc...)             
- transclude?: boolean | {[key: string]: string } transclude/transcludes


      selector: "app-version-comp",
      controllerAs: "ctrl"
  export class VersionComponent {
      constructor(public version: any) {

@Directive(options: IDirectiveOptions) ... standard directive

   - name: string - name of the controller
   - controllerAs?: string - template alias which can be reused in navigations (helper functions are provided)
   - template?: string - the template (navigational helper functions are provided)
   - templateUrl?: string - the template url (navigational helper functions are provided)
   - selector?: string - the template selector (does not need to be camel cased)
   - bindings?: { [key: string]: string } bindings override (you also can use @Input etc...)             
   - transclude?: boolean | {[key: string]: string } transclude/transcludes
   - restrict?: string - standard angular restriction options "AE"..
   - priority?: number - standard angular directive priority
   - replace?: boolean - replace of the element or not 
   - require: Array<any> - standard require (see directive docs for further info)
   - bindToController?: boolean - shall the scope values be bound to the controller (default yes)
   - multiElement?: boolean - multielement directive (default no)
   - scope?: boolean | {[key: string]: string} - scope override default use @Inject etc.. instead
   - compile?: Function - comple callback function
   - preLink: Function - prelink callback function
   - postLink: Function - postlink callback function


    selector: "app-version",
    restrict: "EA",
    transclude: true,
    controllerAs: "ctrl",
    template: "<div><ng-transclude></ng-transclude>{{ctrl.version}} - {{ctrl.myVar}}</div>"
export class VersionDirective {

    @Input() myVar: string;

    constructor(@Inject("version") private version: any,@Inject("$scope") private $scope: any) {
    //link and postLink are mutually exclusive due to angular
    //restrictions, if you enable both
    //you will get an error
    //link(scope: IScope, elm: any, attrs: any, controller: any, transcludes: any) {
    //    console.log("link", this.myVar);

    preLink(scope: IScope, elm: any, attrs:IAttributes) {

    postLink(scope: IScope, elm: any, attrs:IAttributes) {

Note: for convenience reasons all Directive methods are now bound to the instance scope of the directive (aka the controller), this is a different behavior to a standard angular directive which does not have a fixing binding of the various directive function. The directive now behaves as a class like you would expect an instance of a class to be. All functions reference the same this object as the constructor.


- name: string - name of the controller

      name: "interpolate"
  export class InterpolateFilter implements IAnnotatedFilter<string> {
      constructor(@Inject("version") private version:string) {}
      filter(text: string) {
          return String(text).replace(/\%VERSION\%/mg, this.version);

@Inject(artifact?: string|Object) inject with an optional override


   @Injectable({name: "TestService2"})
   export class TestService2 {
       constructor(@Inject("hello1") public myVar1: string, @Inject(MyConsts.helloWorld) public hello2: string, private TestService1: TestService1) {

in the example:

  • a constant with the name hello1 is injected into myVar1
  • a constant with the name helloWorld is injected into hello2 (type injection)
  • a service TestService1 is injected into the variable TestService1 (name match)


Components and directive can have bindings assigned, following annotations are provided

  • @Input(optional ?: boolean) ... maps to "<" respectively "<?"

  • @Output(optional ?: boolean) ... maps to ">" respectively ">?"

  • @Both(optional ?: boolean) ... maps to "=" respectively "=?"

  • @String(optional ?: boolean) ... maps to "@" respectively "@?"

  • @Func(optional ?: boolean) ... maps to "&" respectively "&?"


    selector: "app-version-comp",
    template:"<div>{{ctrl.version}} - {{ctrl.myVar1}}</div>",
    controllerAs: "ctrl"
export class VersionComponent {
    @Input() myVar1;
    constructor(public version: any) {

Application Constants

As a convenience API, a @Constant annotation is provided which allows angular constants to be registered automatically

export class VersionConst {
    static version =  '0.1'
    static version2 =  '0.2'

    name: "myApp",
    declarations: [VersionConst] //register all constants at once
class MyApp {

Once registered, constants can now be injected by name or type (but not referenced directly anymore)

@Injectable({name: "MyService"})
export class MyService {
    constructor(@Inject("my_version2") public myVar1: string, @Inject(VersionConst.version) public hello2: string) {

//Following is not possible anymore after declaring a var as constant

So a class variable declared as constant "always" must be injected never directly referenced.

Bootstrapping the Application

Bootstrapping the application resembles closely what Angular 2 provides. However to fulfill the requirements of Angular 1 two new annotations where introduced

  • @Config ... a configuration for a module
  • @Run ... a run callback for a module


export class AppConfig {
    constructor(@Inject("$locationProvider") private $locationProvider: ILocationProvider,
                @Inject("$routeProvider") private $routeProvider: any) {
        $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/view1'});
        console.log("config called");

export class AppRun {
    constructor() {
        console.log("run called");

    name: "myApp",
    imports: ["ngRoute",
        VersionModule, View1Module],
    declarations: [AppConfig, AppRun]
class MyApp {

/*now lets bootstrap the application, unfortunately ng-app does not work due to the systemjs lazy binding*/

Note: for the moment only a dynamic application binding is supported. No static binding aka <html ng-app="myApp"> is supported yet.

Restful Services

The annotation library now also supports restful services. This is an experimental feature and will stabilize over the next few days. It uses the Angular resource module and weaves decoration code over it.

Implementation of a Restful Service

Every service theoretically can be made a restful service as long as it is annotated with the "@Injectible()" annotation.

All which needs to be done is to expose some restful methods via annotations and the TinyDecorations library takes care of the rest.

  • Here is a small example:
export class RestService {
            @PathVariable("param1") param1: string, 
            @PathVariable("param2") param2: string): IPromise<any> {
         return null;

In this example a simple http get request is exposed with two pathvariables.

Following url would be called

/standardGet/<param1 value>/<param 2 value/

The result of the call is always a promise which, can be used for further operations (aka processing the incoming data)

Supported Rest Methods and Param Types

At the time of writing following rest types are supported

  • GET
  • PUT
  • SAVE

If no rest type parameter is given, a HTTP get is automatically assumed as default.

You can change to a different Rest type the following way:

        url: "/getMixedParamsPost",
        method: REST_TYPE.POST
    getMixedParamsPost(@PathVariable({name: "param1"}) param1: string,
                       @PathVariable({name: "param2"}) param2: string,
                       @RequestParam({name: "requestParam1"}) requestParam1: string,
                       @RequestParam({name: "requestParam2"}) requestParam2: string,
                       @RequestBody({name: "requestBody"}) requestBody: any): REST_RESPONSE<any> {
        //mixed param with all allowed param types

As you can see simply by giving the Rest decoration a method type switches over to a different rest type.

Also in this example we see the three different types of rest variables

  • @PathVariable({name: "param1"}) param1 / short @PathVariable("param1") param1 Is a variable which is hosted in the url port of they rest request (see the example above for more information)

  • @RequestParam basically places a key value pair into the query part of your request

 @RequestParam({name: "requestParam1"}) param1 becomes ?requestParam1=<value of param1>

also again if you only pass the key and nothingm else you can use the abbreviation:

 @RequestParam("requestParam1") param1

The last parameter is the @RequestBody, whatever you pass there is passed as json string in the request body.

Parameters of the Rest System

@Rest Annotation Parmeters

The parameters passable to the @Rest annotation are defined by following interface

export interface IRestMetaData {
        url: string;                    //mandatory URL
        method?: REST_TYPE;             //allowed values GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, default is get
        cancellable?: boolean;          //defaults to true
        isArray?: boolean;              //return value an array?

        //optional response transformator
        transformResponse?: (data: any, headersGetter: any, status: number) => {} | Array<(data: any, headersGetter: any, status: number) => {}>;
        cache?: boolean;                //cache used, default is false
        timeout?: number;               //request timeout
        responseType?: string;          //type of expected response
        hasBody?: boolean;              //specifies whether a request body is included, default value is dependent on whether 
                                        //a @RequestBody is passed or not
         * a request mapper which allows to remap a request url into something different
         * (a classical example is to prefix request strings with the
         * context path)
        requestUrlMapper ?: (requestUrl: string) => string;
        decorator ?: (retPromise ?: angular.IPromise<any>) => any; //decoration function for the restful function

@PathVariable, @RequestParam and @RequestBody Annotation Parmeters

Pathvariable and RequestParam expect either a string with the name of the parameter or an object of type IRequestParam. If

 export interface IRequestParam {
        name?: string;           //the name of the request parameter
        defaultValue?: any;     //default value if the parameter is optional
        defaultValueFunc?: Function; //function delivering the default value
        optional?: boolean;     //optional flag
        conversionFunc?: (inval: any) => string; //value conversion function which converts the incoming parameter into something else

Normally you only need the name, in rare cases you need optional and defaultValue, and/or the conversionFunc.

defaultValue and/or optional however also can be implemented via typescript constructs:

public myRestMethod(@PathVariable({name: "myParam",
                                   optional: "true",
                                   defaultValue: "booga"})
                    myParam?: string) {

is basically the same as:

public myRestMethod(@PathVariable("myParam") myParam: string = "booga") {

The @RequestBody does not take any parameters, it also can only occur once in a Rest call.

Advanced Rest Topics

While the basics of the rest annotions are pretty simple, the enire annotation set is very powerful and allows also a step by step migration of existing code.


The annotations use the angular resource service, and for that a reference to the $resource service is automatically injected into your service. It does not need to be declared.

If you have legacy code however, you can inject the $resouce service yourself. The TinyDecorations system will detect that you already have a $resource reference and then omit its own code to inject it.


export class RestService {
    constructor(@Inject("$resource") public $resource) {  
        ... do your own custom code here



Usually you do not have the entire url available for your services. Most of the time a system environment variable sets up the first part of your rest request url.

The annotation system can handle this usescase by checking if an instance var with the name $rootUrl is set in the service. And if preset it prepends this root part to the url part passed down by the rest call.


export class ApplicationConsts {
    export class AppConstants {
        static hello1 = "";
    ... additional constants

export class RestService {
    constructor(@Inject("myRootUrl") public $rootUrl) {  
        ... do your own custom code here
     standardGet(): IPromise<any> {
         return null;


A call to standardGet() will result in following Rest Request:


Another way to handle the root urls is simply to remap your request url.

for instance

    requestUrlMapper: function(theUrl: string): string {
        return "booga/"+theUrl;
export class RestService5 {

        url: "/myRequest"
    decoratedRequest(): any {


or ....

export class RestService5 {

        url: "/myRequest",
        requestUrlMapper: function(theUrl: string): string {
                return "booga/"+theUrl;
    decoratedRequest(): any {


a call to RestService5.decoratedRequest results in both cases to booga/myRequest

Also a central configuration is possible by decorating the DefaultRestMetaData.requestUrlMapper (see the documentation to DefaultRestMetaData for further information)

High Level Rest Annotations

One principle of an annotation system is DRY, dont repeat yourself. If you use the @Rest annotation you often will repeat yourself regarding the rest method and the return values. I accordance with other rest annotation frameworks a few set of high level annotations are provided.

Those are

  • @Post

  • @Put

  • @Delete

  • @Get

  • @GetForList (basically a get with a list as return value)

  • @PostForList

class RestService {
        name: DEF_NAME,
        paramType: PARAM_TYPE.URL
    }) myParam1: string): any {

Custom Code

Generally the annotations never touch your core code. So you can add any custom rest methods not using the annotations any time, utilizing the existing $resource facilities or other services.

Internally the system derives a class from your existing one and only decorates the annotated methods with its own decoration code. Every exsiting method if decorated will be called within the decoration via a super call. Every non decorated method will be inherited into the derived class. Constructor constracts will be valued. Injectors are kept as is and called via a super call from its decoration code.

  • Note, at the moment there is no real specified way to supporess the decoration from a super call. This is still a work in progress. I would recommend, if you need custom behavior, simply use your own non annotated method.

Decorations within the call chain

There are several extension points within the annotation which allow the decoration and transformation of values within the rest chain.

Some of those decorations are inherited from the underlying $resource system. Some are added as convenience decorations for custom application specific behavior.

  • Method decorators

    • transformResponse ... optional transformation function which is exposed from the underlying $resource system it allows to transform the response from the incoming value from the server into a convenience value to be further processed by the system.

    • decorator ... decorates the resource callchain, and expects a promise as its return value

      decorator: function(resourceReturnValue, requestMetaData) {
              * note the request Metadata to the @Rest
              * is passed as pass through
  • Param decorators:

    • conversionFunc ... optional conversion function which transforms the incoming parameter value into something different.

A note on the decoration function. the default this scope of every decoration function points to the instance of the encapsulating service. This is different to using a plain $resource decoration where no explicit scoping happens. However in the context of the annotations this enforced scoping to the outer service is needed to perform certain context dependent transformations.

Rest Configuration Chain

If you have noticed we have lots of configuration on ret call level. Most of it repeats itself multiple times per service.

We can set default configuration options on two levels to reduce the amount of rest call congiruation

Service Level

The override on service level can be done within the Restable annotation block:

    name: "RestService4"
      decorator: function(data: any, restMetaData ?: IDefaultRestMetaData) {
          (<RestService4>this).__decoratorcalled2__ = true;
          return (<any>data).$promise;
      $rootUrl: "rootUrl"

The Restable (of type IRestMetaData) parameters are responsible for passing any rest options service wide. The service wide rest options can be overridden by local options of the same name.

Application Wide Level

For application wide level you can use the global config map:



DefaultRestMetaData.$rootUrl = "rootUrl";

DefaultRestMetaData.decorator = function (responseData: any, restMetaData ?: IDefaultRestMetaData) {
    (<any>this).__decoratorcalled__ = true;
    return responseData.$promise;

The settings in the DefaultRestMetaData config map will be overridden by service options and / or method level options.

Note, the DefaultRestMetaData must be set before the service initialisation, because the rest metadata usually is used at service construction time.

Caching Subsystem

The caching subsystem is independent of the core angular based decorations, and can be used outside of an angular1 system.

Reasons to use the caches

Sometimes you want to have finer granularity regarding caches, than what simple browser caching can provide. And for this TinyDecorations provides a caching subsystem.


Following decorators are provided

  • @Cached(string|CacheConfigOptions) ... marks a service or class as having caching methods, a config also can be provided

  • @CachePut(string) ... forces the return value of the method being cached, it basically enforces a cache refresh

  • @Cacheable(string) ... performs a cache lookup and returns the item if found otherwise it performse the method operation and puts the result into the cache

  • @CacheEvict(string) ... evicts the current cache which is referenced


with CacheConfigOptions being:


- key: string;              //the cache key, required
- evictionPeriod: number;   //the eviction period, default 10 minutes
- refreshOnAccess: boolean; //cache eviction algorithm, true... refresh on access, false refresh on add
- maxCacheSize: number;     //the maximum cache size default -1 aka unlimited

The optional parameter in the rest of the decorators simply targets a cache name. You can leave it out if your cache config is on top of the class which hosts the caching methods.

Example for a typical cachable service

    evictionPeriod: EVICTION_TIME,
    refreshOnAccess: true
export class CacheService {

    basicPutValue: string;

    cacheablePutVale: string;
    cacheableCallCnt: number = 0;

    constructor(@Inject("$q") private $q: IQService,@Inject("$timeout") private $timeout: ITimeoutService) {

    basicPut(instr: string): string {
        this.basicPutValue = instr;
        return instr;

    basicPutPromise(instr: string): IPromise<any> {
        var deferred = this.$q.defer();

        this.basicPutValue = instr;

        return deferred.promise;

    cacheable(instr: string): string {
        this.cacheablePutVale = instr;

        return instr;

    cacheablePromise(instr: string): IPromise<any> {
        var deferred = this.$q.defer();

        this.cacheablePutVale = instr;

        return deferred.promise;

    cacheable2(instr: string): string {
        this.cacheablePutVale = instr;
        return instr;

    cacheEvict() {



Result values and result Promises

As you can see in the example, the caching can handle normal result values and asynchronous result values transparently. In case of a promise being a result value, internally the apply value of the promise operation will be stored. But externally you will always get a promise as cache result.


Access Eviction

Per default the cache size is only limited by ram and eviction of cache elements happens only on timestamp base (LRU mechnism).

The eviction algorithm can be set either to refresh on access or per default to refresh on add. The main difference is that refresh in add has a fixed eviction period after which the element is evicted no matter how often it has been fetched. Refresh on access however updates the internal cache timestamp every time an element is accessed, and the element is removed only if there was no cache access during the eviction period for this element.

You can set the eviction algorithm via the refreshOnAccess in the cache configuration (aka boolean flag, true ... refresh on access, false ... refresh on add)

    evictionPeriod: EVICTION_TIME,
    refreshOnAccess: false //refresh on add is enabled, default is refresh on access

Size Limit Eviction

Per default the cache size is limited by its ram, however it is possible to limit the size of a cache by adding a cacheSize parameter. Then the eviction happens on every insert with an LRU algorithm.

The maximum cache size can be set with the maxCacheSize cache config parameter:

    evictionPeriod: EVICTION_TIME,
    maxCacheSize: 100 //maximum cache size now set to 100 elements, will not be exceeded

Helper Functions for Navigations

Navgational Meta Data

One of the "nasty" things of angular is that enforces a distributed configuration of metadata especially in the navigational area.

ts-ng-tinydecorations tries to keep the metadata at class declaration level. (Data should always be defined at its origin)

While we cannot encapsule the navigational definitions in decorators we can ease the life by providing neutral ways to push the navigational metadata into the routing configuration.

The MetaData Class - Simple Case

The metadata helper class allows you to access decorated metadata from a given decorated angular artifact.

What does this mean for navigation?

    name: "View1Ctrl",
    template: `hello world`,
export class View1Controller {
    myVar = "myVar";

    constructor() {

    name: "myApp.view1",
    declarations: [View1Controller]
export class View1Module {
    constructor() {

For ngRoutes:


For UIRoutes

            name: "myState",

Or More Fine Grained

    name: "myState",
    controller: MetaData.controllerName(View1Controller),
    template: MetaData.template(View1Controller),
    controllerAs: MetaData.controllerAs(View1Controller)

As you can see the controller name, template and controllerAs are defined on controller level. All other definitions either directly access the metadata, or use helpers on the controller class to access it.

    controller: MetaData.controllerName(View1Controller),
    template: MetaData.template(View1Controller),
    controllerAs: MetaData.controllerAs(View1Controller)


A low footprint set of angular 4 like typescript decorations for angular 1.5+







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