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Alessandro Fazzi edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 11 revisions

You can find general hooks usage information in movefile.yml configurations explained. This is a sort of F.A.Q. before any question has been made.

Wordmove supports running arbitrary commands during deploy operations. This is how they are represented in the movefile.yml:

  hooks: # Remote hooks won't work with FTP
        - command: 'echo "do something"'
          where: local
          raise: false # raise is true by default
        - command: 'echo "do something"'
          where: remote
        - command: 'echo "do something"'
          where: local
          raise: false
        - command: 'echo "do something"'
          where: remote

Hooks are optional. You can remove the entire hooks key from movefile.yml or you can configure just the hooks you need, erasing the others.

Each hook want a sequence - which is the YAML representation of an Array - of command objects.

Commands must be quoted. Prefer single quote, since double quotes are often used inside the command self. If you won't quote commands, they will easily break our toy because there are too many over-complex escaping scenario. So be wise, be happy.

Hooks are under the vigilance of the doctor command, so you can wordmove doctor to check their formal validation.

User interface example

hooks UI

Execution path

Remote hooks will be run in the $HOME directory of your user. If your home is not your site's document root and if you want to run, e.g. a wp command, you will have to cd by yourself:

Both remote and local hooks will be run inside wordpress_path as per your movefile.yml configuration. You can naturally change directory chaining you commands e.g.:

cd other_dire && pwd

Execution order

Hooks are always executed in order and are synchronous, so the configuration should be procedurally fully respected. What you read is what you get.

Error handling

By default hooks will throw exception when one command will fail, interrupting any further operation. They can be configured to not raise exception if their command fails. This is crucial when you have a deploy chain where some commands may fail (maybe due to external services? or just because they are not important?) and you want your deploy to continue.

For example

      - command: 'exit 1'
        where: remote
        raise: false
      - command: 'echo "Still working"'
        where: local

the above first command will fail, but the second will be executed; since this are before-push hooks, the push will happens too.

The error is visibly logged anyway.

Where to execute the command

The where key accepts two keywords: local and remote. With this option you can choose where to execute the command. The remote will always be the environment specified from the command line with the -e flag, or the default one when you have a single remote.

Having multiple remote environment, you cannot execute commands on other environments than the one you're push/pulling to/from.

Why hooks, by examples

Feel free to populate this section with yours.

      - command: 'npx webpack' # run webpack to build frontend
        where: local
      - command: 'rm -rf ./tmp/*' # blank local temp directory
        where: local
      - command: 'bash ./scripts/' # notify colleagues/customers on Slack/Ryver chat
        where: local
      - command: 'wp rewrite flush' # you know that :)
        where: remote
      - command: 'wp option set blog_public 0' # hide WP from search engine on staging
        where: remote
      - command: 'find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {}+' # fix permissions and blame your hosting provider
        where: remote
      - command: 'find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {}+' # N.B.: blaming is not yet supported by Wordmove
        where: remote

Wordmove <=4.0.1

We preserve documentation for older version of the "hooks" feature.

Wordmove has 8 hooks which will be called if populated with commands. This is how they are represented in the movefile.yml:

  hooks: # Remote hooks won't work with FTP
          - 'echo "Do something locally before push"'
          - 'echo "Do something remotely before push"'
          - 'echo "Do something locally after push"'
          - 'echo "Do something remotely after push"'
          - 'echo "Do something locally before pull"'
          - 'echo "Do something remotely before pull"'
          - 'echo "Do something locally after pull"'
          - 'echo "Do something remotely after pull"'

Hooks are optional. You can remove the entire hooks key from movefile.yml or you can configure just the hooks you need, erasing the others.

Each hook want a sequence - which is the YAML representation of an Array - of commands.

Commands must be quoted. Prefer single quote, since double quotes are often used inside the command self. If you won't quote commands, they will easily break our toy :)

Hooks are under the vigilance of the doctor command, so you can wordmove doctor to check their formal validation.

User interface example

hooks UI

Execution path

Remote hooks will be run in the $HOME directory of your user. If your home is not your site's document root and if you want to run, e.g. a wp command, you will have to cd by yourself:

Since v3.0.0 remote hooks will be run inside wordpress_path as per your movefile.yml configuration.

Local hooks will be run from the directory where wordmove was invoked.

Why hooks, by examples

Feel free to populate this section with yours.

        - 'npx webpack' # run webpack to build frontend
        - 'rm -rf ./tmp/*' # blank local temp directory
        - 'bash ./scripts/' # notify colleagues/customers on Slack/Ryver chat
        - 'wp rewrite flush' # you know that :)
        - 'wp option set blog_public 0' # hide WP from search engine on staging
        - 'find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {}+' # fix permissions and blame your hosting provider
        - 'find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {}+' # N.B.: blaming is not yet supported by Wordmove


All started a long time ago in the feature request #143, opened by @joeguilmette :) Open source not always follows our expectations or timing needs, but participating and make proposals is always inspirational. Thank you Joe!

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