This repo was created to make easy to spinning up Drupal sites.
git clone
cp .env.dist .env
Edit the copied .env
file and make changes according to your project needs.
Example update default HOST_NAME
from drupal.develop
to mysite.develop
If you don have ahoy installed you can install on OS-X
brew install ahoy-cli/tap/ahoy
For instructions using other OS (Ahoy)[]
NOTE : This process must be done once per local computer.
Task | Using Ahoy |
Starting containers | ahoy up |
Stoping containers | ahoy down |
Download Drupal | ahoy download |
Use composer | ahoy composer require drupal/console:~1.0 |
Install Drupal | ahoy drupal site:install standard --force --no-interaction |
To start the containers you need to execute the following command docker-compose up -d, grab some coffee or a beer and be patient while the images are downloaded to your local computer.
docker-compose up -d
NOTE: We suggest provide the detached mode flag to run in background.
docker-compose exec --user=82 php shell/ drupal.develop
NOTE: Use your own domain if you make changes in the copied .env
Open your browser and point to http://drupal.develop/
or the hostname you entered on the .env
docker-compose down
docker-compose down -v
NOTE: You can pass the -v flag to destroy the shared volumes as well. Be careful this will destroy any data on the shared volumes between the container and the local machine.
One common issue you'll likely run into while starting the containers, is finding the ports in use, this could mean an instance of Apache, Nginx, MySQL or other service is already running, so if you want to know what is using the ports you can run this commands on your terminal:
# web (Apache, Nginx)
lsof -i :80
# db (MySQL, MariaDB)
lsof -i :3306
We based the docker configuration of this repository on the Drupal4Docker project.