Note: Work in progress!
Plugin for local-collection to sync localStorage collection with the server.
Idea: Progressive enhancement for collections. Return available models quickly, and update the fields when (if) more data becomes available.
This will make collections work in offline mode, or just present cached data until the server gets around to responding.
Keep track of unsaved models and sync when possible.
$ component install wejendorp/local-collection-sync
Load a list of names with progressive enhancement. The list will be populated from cache on refresh, and new items will pop up when server responds to fetch.
var userCollection = require('usercollection');
var users = userCollection.fetch('active');
users.each(show); // Show cached results
users.on('change', function() {
this.each(show); // Show server results
var body = document.body;
var domNodes = {};
var tpl = '<p data-text="name"></p>';
function show(model) {
var node = domNodes[] || reactive(domify(tpl), model);
This plugin introduces the methods
Fetch the models at model.url() or at options.url
, returning a new collection
instance with the result. Caches the response as a list of ids.
var cacheCollection = collection.fetch('/users/active', function(err, updated) {
// updated is the same collection after it has been fetched
// cacheCollection is a cached version of the model, or just an empty model with the id
Fetch the model by id, returns model instance and updates it async. Use fn to wait for server, or no callback to use cached.
var cached = collection.get('id', function(err, updated) {
// updated is a reference to model after it has been updated
// cached is a cached version of the model, or just an empty model with the id