Create a powerful boilerplate for UI Automation test with WebdriverIO and TypeScript
- Use Page Object Model for managing your test cases
- Mocha + Chai for testing
- Interactive report with Allure
- Accessibity test with Axe
With TypeScript, it is possible to use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and call TypeScript-generated code from other JavaScript. Type declarations for these libraries are provided with the source code.
npm install
Run all tests. Mocha will look for test folder. If you need to use another folder, please specify it in package.json file.
npm run test
For development test, you can comment the --headless option in the wdio.conf.js for directly openning the chrome browser.
In order to run one suite test only, you can use:
npm run dev path-to-test-file
The test report will show as a HTML webpage on a new window tab.
For running the test and show the report:
npm run report
For showing the report only:
npm run run-report