This repository contains the (automatic) docker image build workflow for the DeepL API mock server.
This repository does not contain the DeepL API mock server nor claims rights on it. Container images are build purely and unmodified from the upstream repository:
The scheduler execution contains following steps:
- check if last used release version and upstream latest release tag differs, if not do nothing
- Update release information with latest release tag in
and create a commit for it - verify image(s) can be build based on the new release version, otherwise fail
- if image could be build, create a new tag for the change commit
- push the tagged commit and create a github release with that tag and push build images to the github container registry.
Note that schedule runs create only new patchlevel release tags if new image based on new version can be build.
On each pull request or push a force build is done to verify that the image can still be build with the changes - but no release or automatic change commits are created and pushed.
Maintainer of the repository can do a force rebuild even for the same version, but only for the main branch by
invoking the image-build
workflow from the Github Action overview or by using the github command line tool
gh workflow run \
image-build --repo web-vision/wv-deeplmockapi-server --ref main \
-f forceRebuild=true \
-f tagMode=patch
To see workflow runs use:
clear \
&& gh run list --workflow=image-build.yml
If true a rebuild is processed in any case, otherwise only if a new release of the DeepL Mock Api Server is available.
The tag mode describes how the new tag should be build based on the latest existing tag.
value | Description | Example |
major | Rise version to next major | 1.3.5 => 2.0.0 |
minor | Rise version to next minor | 1.3.5 => 1.4.0 |
patch | Rise version to next patchlevel | 1.3.5 => 1.3.6 |