apt install ld
apt install zip
apt update && apt install automake bison help2man m4 texinfo \
apt update && apt install automake bison help2man m4 texinfo texlive
sudo apt install automake libtool make gcc flex bison libssl-dev libjansson-dev libmagic-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libgcrypt-dev
apt install openssl -y
apt install openssl-dev
mkdir ~/softs/
cd ~/softs/
wget https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara/archive/v4.3.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf v4.3.0.tar.gz
cd yara-4.3.0
export YARA_SRC=~/softs/yara-4.3.0
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --without-crypto
make && make install
cp ./libyara/yara.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/yara.pc
$ git clone github.com/weaweawe01/go_yara_scan.git
$ cd go_yara_scan
$ SRCDIR=$(pwd)
$ SRCDIR=/root/softs/yara-4.3.0/
$ export CGO_CFLAGS="-g -Wall -I${SRCDIR}/libyara/include"
$ export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L${YARA_SRC}/libyara/.libs -lyara -lm"
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static"' -o go_yara_scan main.go config.go
$ ./go_yara_scan --hlep
flag provided but not defined: -hlep
Usage of ./go_yara_scan:
-cpu int
the maximum number of CPUs to use 10-100 (default 10)
-dir string
the directory to scan
-file string
the file to scan
-scan_recu uint
the maximum recursion depth for directory scanning default 5 max 20 (default 5)
$ Scan File
$ ./go_yara_scan --file=/etc/passwd
chan string count 1
Scan completed.
costTime 100ms
$ ./go_yara_scan --dir=/www
chan string count 2
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/dd/nmap
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/nmap
Scan completed.
costTime 300ms
The default limit is 10% of the overall CPU if you want to open the CPU. Use the following:
$ ./go_yara_scan --dir=../test_file --cpu=80
chan string count 2
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/dd/nmap
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/nmap
Scan completed.
costTime 200ms
The default scan directory level is 5 times. If you want to scan multiple layers. As follows:
$ ./go_yara_scan --dir=../test_file --cpu=80 --scan_recu=10
chan string count 2
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/dd/nmap
209 YARA.Unix_Packer_UpxDetail.UNOFFICIAL Virus(es) detected ../test_file/nmap
Scan completed.
costTime 300ms