Based on our experience in the last lesson using $http to access APIs in Angular, your task is to build something just like what we built together - but on your own.
Starting from scratch is important practice and having to build the entire Angular app from nothing will help reinforce what pieces you need and how they connect.
Now, the fun part. You'll be working on an interface for our Infamous Criminals™ API – a database to store & categorize history's most well-known wrong-doers. The API already exists, but we desperately need your help creating an Angular application to add criminals to our database, delete them when they've gone straight, and time permitting, update their information when their whereabouts change.
Use $http to:
- access an API resource
- POST a new instance of a resource
- update an API resource
- delete an API resource
Split your iterm into two panel. On 1 panel
cd api
npm install
node app.js
- Don't forget to have Mongo running.
On the other panel
cd frontend
bower init
- Install the appropriate packages
- Link appropriate files to html
There's no seed data - you'll have to save your own criminals.
Build an Angular app from scratch to interface with our RESTful CRUD API. Focus on GET/POST first and tackle PUT/PATCH/DELETE if you have time.
Use the included CSS if you wish but feel free to make your own!