This application has been tested on an ios device
The Mobile Flash Card application allows user to select a deck from a list of decks and start a quiz based on the cards within the deck. The user can also switch tabs on the main screen and add a new deck on the New Deck tab. While viewing a deck a user has the options of adding a card to the deck or starting the quiz. If the user desides to add a card then they will be given an option to enter a question corresponding answer, once they have submited the new card they will be redirected back to the deck page. If the user desides to start a quiz and there are no cards on that quiz they will be shown a message telling them they need to add cards to the deck along side a button to navigate back to the deck. If the user starts a quiz with at least one card then they will be shown which card they are on out of the total number in the deck. Also the question will be displayed along side a button to display the answer. If they are looking at the answer there will be a button displayed to show them the question. The user wil have the option to click a button declaring if they got the question correct or incorect. After all questions have been deemed correct or incorrect the users score is shown as a percentage. The user also has the option to restart the quiz or go back to the deck page. Also a notification will appear at 8:12PM if the user has not completed a quiz for the day.
- the Project can be cloned from
- You can clone this project by opening the GitHub desktop application. Go to File->Clone Repository, then navigate to the URL tab and past in the above URL
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start