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Netlify Status logo is Will Carhart's personal porfolio website, blog, and custom static site generator. It is built from scratch using Node.js and standard web technologies, and is hosted via Netlify.

Custom Static Site Generator is a statically generated site. It uses a custom Node.js generator to replace template HTML with content sourced from markdown files. If you'd like to understand my motivation for writing my own static site generator, please check out the blog post. In addition, please see the markdown to HTML converter, marq.

Using the generator

Before starting, you'll need Node.js and Yarn. You can install them via Homebrew with brew install node and brew install yarn.

To start a new build, use the forge. Dependencies will be auto-resolved upon first build attempt.

./forge --help
forge - build pages for

forge [-h] [-b] [-d] [-s] [-v]
  -h, --help      Show this menu and exit
  -b, --browser   Open the newly built website in a new browser window
  -d, --develop   Hardlink hrefs to .html files instead of URL paths (required for local builds)
  -s, --silent    Silence build output
  -v, --verbose   Show generated files as a result of forge

Create a new development build with ./forge --develop --verbose.

👉  Building redirects...
🖋  Building scripts...
💄  Building styles...
🏠  Building home...
🗄  Building vault...
🏃‍♂️  Building demos...
💁‍♂️  Building about...
📖  Building blog...
🏗  Building projects...
👓  Building etc...
🤬  Building 404...
✨  Done in 0.647 seconds

If you take a look in netlify.toml, you'll see that the production build does not use development mode when running the forge: ./forge --verbose.

About the website was born out of my desire to have my own slice of the internet. It's changed over the years as I've coded more things. I hope you enjoy your visit 😊

Have questions or comments about the site? Shoot me a note:

      📫 [email protected]

Color palette

Like my theme? Here are the hex values. You can also find these on the etc page.

Color Light Mode Dark Mode
Main Background #ecf0f1 #ecf0f1 #292929 #292929
Detail Background #bdc3c7 #bdc3c7 #34495e #34495e
Main Text #252323 #252323 #ecf0f1 #ecf0f1
Detail Text #6a6c6e #6a6c6e #8895a1 #8895a1
Color #e67e22 #e67e22 #6642ac #6642ac


All of the generator code found in generator/ is licensed under the MIT License, meaning you can use the generator to generate your own website without attribution and for commercial purposes. However, all other content of the site is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 License, meaning you can share and adapt the website content if you provide attribution and do not use it for commercial purposes. See


This repository is for the most recent version of For information on v1, please see the v1 repository.

Understanding this respository

The forge (forge, generator/generator.js) generates webpages based on HTML, CSS, and JS templates. When a new version of the site is generated, the forge utilizes the files in generator/ to build valid webpages and components in src/ (not checked into Git). It pulls templates from these directories:

  • templates/ - template HTML files for building the webpages in src/
  • js/ - template JS files to be included in src/
  • snippets/ - HTML and JS snippets from which to build content, used repeatedly throughout the website

And populates them based on files in from content/. In addition, static assets are linked from these directories:

  • css/ - static css files
  • font/ - static font files
  • ico/ - static icon files

In addition, the following files are utilized:

File Purpose
.eslintrc.json describes linting rules for Node.js
.gitignore describes what items to ignore in git
_redirects configures manual redirects for Netlify
config.json the current configurations for the built website
forge the file that invokes the generator describes the project licenses
logo.png project logo for GitHub README
netlify.toml sets up build configurations for Netlify
package.json standard package JSON generated by Yarn for the generator the file, which describes the repository resource file for miscellaneous notes and resources relevant to
yarn.lock standard yarn lock file generated by Yarn to describe the dependencies of the generator