This repo contains a proof-of-concept implementation of the transformer protocol described in the (under submission) paper "Automatic Distributed Multi-Agent Coordination of Single-Agent Robot Controllers", as well as a simulator to run said implementation and a visualization generator for the results of the simulator.
You'll need the following dependencies (all Python modules; install as you prefer): coloredlogs
, verboselogs
, numpy
, fire
, matplotlib
. This is Python 3 code.
You can run python --help
to see documentation on usage of the simulator; a good
example invocation is python --num-agents=5 --verbose
to generate a random scenario
with 5 agents and use verbose logging.
There's also python --help
; a corresponding example here might be python scenario_foo.json output_bar.json --output-file=foobar.mp4
to load some scenario
, some simulation trace output_bar.json
, and save the resulting visualization
to foobar.mp4
This is research-grade code. As such, it comes with no support or guarantees, and is likely buggy. Fixes for bugs will be added as they are discovered and as time permits.