released this
16 Jan 22:24
620 commits
to master
since this release
8.2.0 (2020-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- Discovery v1: Ensure collectionIds are supplied to avoid service error (955742b)
- Discovery v2: Ensure all required props are sent to prevent service errors (aab26b7)
- Assistant v2: Add system prop to MessageContentSkill (b95388a)
- Speech to Text: Add endOfPhraseSilenceTime and splitTranscriptAtPhraseEnd props to CreateJobOp (be54f7f)
- Speech to Text: Add endOfUtterance prop to SpeechRecognitionResult (42f6ec6)
- Speech to Text: Add support for Italian and Dutch models (6f707da)
- Text to Speech: Add Argentinean, Dutch, and Chinese voices (62259ca)