This is the Docker version of the commandline calculator for NFDRS Version 4.0 (2016) Written By: Stuart Brittan and Matt Jolly Build modifications (Dockerless) by Nick Santos June 2024 Version: 4.0 (23 Oct 2021)
Run the following in the folder you wish to build the binary into:
git clone
cd nfdrs-cli
chmod +x
Afterward, the executable NFDRScliV4 will be in the current directory
Build it like this (may have to use 'sudo'): docker build -t nfdrscli:4.0 .
Run it like this: docker run --rm -e INCFG=/in/CCaccia.cfg -v D:\In:/in -v D:\Out:/out nfdrscli:4.0
This will give you an interactive shell with the container: docker run -it -e INCFG=/in/CCaccia.cfg -v D:\In:/in -v D:\Out:/out nfdrscli:4.0 bash