This week you will be building a minimum viable product (MVP) for a reminder app called "Water my Plants". Building a schedule around ensuring that all your plants are watered is actually pretty difficult. Water my Plants helps to solve those problems by providing and easy to use interface for creating a plant watering schedule that will remind users to water their plants on a regular basis.
This challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past three weeks and apply them in a project. In your project build week, you will demonstrate proficiency by creating a marketing landing page by using CSS Fundamentals, HTML, CSS Flexbox, JavaScript and GIT.
Commit your code regularly and meaningfully. This helps you to return to old code for any number of reasons.
You are required to showcase progress with at least 3 commits a day. This will let your project manager and team members know where you are and if you need help. This also allows the client to get progress reports from the company in a real world setting.
Find a template from a site like HTML5 Up and use that templates color scheme/design flow for your app. This is a task you will all do as a team. *Not all Marketing websites will look the same/follow the same theme, but at least one has to be the default for the React app.
Follow these steps to set up and work on your project:
- Create a new repository.
- Add PM as collaborator on Github.
- Clone your OWN version of Repo.
- Create a new Branch on the clone: git checkout -b
. - Implement the project on this Branch, committing changes regularly.
- Push commits: git push origin
Follow these steps for completing your project:
- Submit and merge your pull request.
- Deploy to github-pages.
Your finished project must include all of the following requirements:
- Marketing landing page scaffolded with common layout structure implemented.
- Desktop first features starting to come into play
- 'lorem ipsum' in place of copy as placeholder is set in place.
- Marketing webpage fully responsive to Mobile, Tablet and Desktop screen widths.
- Marketing 'Login' call to action links user to the Deployed React app login screen.
- Marketing webpage replace placeholder copy with description of product.
- If your Front end architect needs help, mob program. All web developers in the group could be able to contribute to finalizing the styles.
You will notice that this repository does not have any starter code. This is on purpose. You are to start from scratch using any files you have built throughout your time here at Lambda School.