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Subset of Lerna in a smaller & more modular project. Helps manage and publish multiple packages in a monorepo/workspace structure


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Lerna-Lite @lerna-lite

License: MIT TypeScript Conventional Changelog lerna--lite

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Lerna-Lite is a super light version of the original Lerna

πŸ“’ Lerna-Lite supports pnpm/yarn workspace: protocol

Take 30sec. to complete this 1 question poll survey πŸ”˜ if you are using this feature. It's a simple poll to find out which package manager is the most popular with this new workspace: protocol feature (so far, about 60% pnpm and 40% yarn).

Lerna-Lite itself is also using pnpm workspaces with the workspace: protocol πŸŽ‰

Who is using Lerna-Lite

Here are some of the largest projects using Lerna-Lite

Jest Β  | Β  React Navigation Β  | Β  Format.JS Β  | Β  Volar Β  | Β  Blueprint Β  | Β  NativeScript




MIT License

About Lerna-Lite

Lerna-Lite differs from the original Lerna since it only has a limited subset of Lerna's list of commands (which itself has 15 commands) and all commands are optional in Lerna-Lite making installs typically much smaller. Lerna was originally built as an all-in-one tool, however nowadays Workspaces are available in all package managers and the need for an all-in-one tool, which includes built-in workspaces functionalities (like bootstrap), is no longer needed. Lerna-Lite is built around this new reality and is only providing commands that package managers do not include. To summarize, Lerna-Lite is more modular than the original Lerna and you'll end up installing a lot less dependencies also making it more versatile to use with other tools like TurboRepo, pnpm and other...

Lerna-Lite assumes, and requires you to pre-setup your Workspace through your favorite package manager (npm, pnpm, yarn) that will take care of the symlinks. Lerna-Lite does not include the bootstrap, add, create and link commands hence the need for you to properly setup your workspace prior to installing Lerna-Lite.

For more info on how to setup a workspace, choose the best option: npm 7+ | Yarn classic | Yarn 2+ | pnpm

Why create this lib/fork?

Below are the main reasons as to why this fork was created:

  1. Lerna repo was unmaintained for nearly 2 years (in early 2022, Lerna's dependencies were really out of date)
    • this is no longer the case since Nrwl, the company behind Nx, took over stewardship of Lerna
      • please note that Lerna-Lite fork was created couple months before Nrwl took over Lerna
      • we now replicate Lerna's PRs when possible (except Nx specific code will not be replicated)
  2. A desire to create a smaller and a lighter alternative compared to the original all-in-one Lerna tool
    • Lerna-Lite is entirely modular, all commands are totally optional (install only what you really need).
  3. Rewrote the lib in TypeScript and build the project as ESM since v2.0 (you can still use it in a CJS environment)
  4. Replicated a few opened PRs from Lerna and add a few unique features into Lerna-Lite (see number 6 below)
  5. Lerna is becoming another Nx branded product (Lerna >=5.5 now requires Nx while not required in Lerna-Lite)
    • if you already use Nx then it's probably better to use Lerna, but if you are not then Lerna-Lite is preferred
    • if you use other tools like TurboRepo and install Lerna (original) you end up downloading 2 similar tools
    • even TypeScript is now required in Lerna >=6 (even for a JS monorepo) however not required in Lerna-Lite
  6. Added a few unique features that are available currently only in Lerna-Lite:

On a final note, the best feature of Lerna-Lite (versus Lerna) has to be its modularity. A large portion of the users are only interested in version/publish commands but on the other hand, a small minority are only interested in other commands like run/exec. Lerna-Lite offers this flexibility by allowing the user to choose what to install (see installation below). Lastly from the list above, the number 5 could be a concern for some users who are not interested to use Nx (like me) but still want to have the power of Lerna with updated dependencies and keep their download to the bare minimum.

This lib will help you with the following:

Note all commands are optional in Lerna-Lite, refer to the Installation table for more info

Version and Publish commands

  • Automate the creation of new Versions (independent or fixed version) of all your workspace packages.
    • it will automatically Commit/Tag your new Version & create new GitHub/GitLab Release (when enabled).
  • Automate, when enabled, the creation of Changelogs for all your packages by reading all Conventional Commits.
  • Automate, the repository Publishing of your new version(s) for all your packages (on NPM or other platforms).

Other optional commands

  • Changed command, when installed, will list all local packages that have changed since the last tagged release
  • Diff command, when installed, will show git diff of all packages or a single package since the last release
  • Exec command, when installed, will help you execute shell commands in parallel and in topological order.
  • List command, when installed, will list all workspace local packages
  • Run command, when installed, will help you run npm script in parallel and in topological order.
  • Watch command, when installed, will watch for changes within all packages and execute certain commands




Getting Started

Let's start by installing Lerna-Lite CLI as a dev dependency to your project and then run the init command to get started (see init#readme for all options). Note that the CLI must be installed at all time, then proceed by installing any other optional commands (the CLI is only including the init command), refer to the Installation table for more info.

# install Lerna-Lite CLI locally or globally (`init` is the only command installed)
$ npm install -g @lerna-lite/cli # pnpm add -g @lerna-lite/cli

# create your monorepo and initialize lerna-lite
$ mkdir lerna-repo
$ cd lerna-repo
$ npx lerna init # OR pnpm exec lerna init

# for npm/yarn (only) workspaces add --use-workspaces
$ npx lerna init --use-workspaces

This will create a lerna.json configuration file as well as a packages folder, so your folder should now look like this:


Note Lerna-Lite now supports 3 file extension types (.json, .jsonc and .json5), however not all code editors support JSON Schema with .json5, so lerna.json might still be the preferred config.

Note that package-a will not be created, it is only shown here to help clarify the structure. For more info and full details about the lerna.json file, you can read the lerna.json Wiki. Also note that you can optionally add comments to your lerna.json config file since it is also able to parse JSON5 file format.

Finally install the commands that are of interest to you (publish, version, run, exec, ...)

$ npm i @lerna-lite/publish -D


Lerna-Lite is entirely modular, as opposed to Lerna, and installing the CLI locally or globally will only provide you the init command. Please make sure to install other commands that you are interested in (see table below).

If you are new to Lerna-Lite, you could also run the lerna init command which will create the lerna.json for you with a minimal setup. If you are using a different client other than npm, then make sure to update the npmClient property in lerna.json (for example: "npmClient": "yarn" or "pnpm").

Note please make sure that you have a lerna.json config file created and a version property defined with either a fixed or independent mode. An error will be thrown if you're missing any of them.

JSON Schema

You can add the $schema property into your lerna.json to take advantage of Lerna-Lite JSON Schema (lerna init can help setting it up for you). This will help with the developer experience, users will be able to see what properties are valid with their types and a brief description of what each option does (descriptions are pulled from their associated lerna command options documentation).

  "$schema": "node_modules/@lerna-lite/cli/schemas/lerna-schema.json",
  // ...

  // or from a CDN
  "$schema": "",

Note JSON Schema might not be well supported by all code editors with .json5, use lerna.json if that is a problem for you.

Separate / Optional Installs

Command Install Description
☁️ publish npm i @lerna-lite/publish -D publish each workspace package
πŸ“‘ version npm i @lerna-lite/version -D create new version for each workspace package
πŸ•œ changed npm i @lerna-lite/changed -D list local packages changed since last release
πŸŒ“ diff npm i @lerna-lite/diff -D git diff all packages since the last release
πŸ‘· exec npm i @lerna-lite/exec -D execute an command in each workspace package
πŸ“– list npm i @lerna-lite/list -D list local packages
πŸƒ run npm i @lerna-lite/run -D run npm script in each workspace package
πŸ‘“ watch npm i @lerna-lite/watch -D watch for changes & execute commands when fired

Note since the publish package depends on the version package, you could simply install @lerna-lite/publish to automatically gain access to both commands.


Add custom NPM scripts or simply run the commands in your shell with the Lerna-Lite CLI, you can see below some very basic Lerna npm script samples.

// package.json / npm scripts
"scripts": {
  "new-version": "lerna version",
  "new-publish": "lerna publish from-package",
  "preview:new-version": "lerna version --dry-run",
  "run-tests": "lerna run test",

Migration for existing Lerna users

Migrating from the original Lerna, should be fairly easy since you simply need to replace your Lerna dependency with Lerna-Lite @lerna-lite/cli, then install all the commands that you are interested in and that's it. The CLI commands and options are the same. The biggest difference compared to Lerna is that you need to install the commands that you are interested in, for that take a look at the steps shown below:

Note as opposed to Lerna v7 and higher, the useWorkspace is not enabled by default in Lerna-Lite and we still recommend to use either useWorkspaces for Yarn/NPM or use the default packages in lerna.json for pnpm users. The useWorkspaces has some drawback since some of the packages could be unrelated to the project releases (ie: website, examples) and for this use case the packages/* defined in lerna.json could be better (i.e. Jest uses this approach).

  1. remove Lerna from your local & global dependencies
npm uninstall lerna      # OR yarn remove lerna -W
npm uninstall -g lerna   # OR yarn global remove lerna
  1. install Lerna-Lite CLI, note this only provides you the init command
# Lerna CLI (includes `init`)
npm install @lerna-lite/cli -D
  1. then install any of the optional Lerna-Lite command(s) that you wish to use (changed, diff, exec, list, run, publish, version and/or watch) refer to installation table above
# for example, let's install publish (note publish will automatically give you version since it's a dependency)
npm install @lerna-lite/publish -D
  1. review your lerna.json config file and remove any unrelated command options, for example bootstrap does not exist in Lerna-Lite so there's no need to keep that config
    "npmClient": "yarn",
    "command": {
        "version": {
            "conventionalCommits": true
-       "bootstrap": {
-           "npmClientArgs": ["--no-package-lock"]
-       }

Note after switching to Lerna-Lite and publishing your next release with conventional-changelog, you will probably see a lot of diff changes across your files, many empty lines will be deleted, and that is totally expected since Lerna-Lite has code in place to remove these empty lines that were added by Lerna for no reason.

Project Demo?

You want to see a project demo? Sure... you're looking at it πŸ˜‰

Yes indeed, this project was originally created as an NPM Workspace and later migrated to a pnpm workspaces for the sole purpose of demoing and testing its own code. All changelogs and versions are created and published by the lib itself, how sweet is that? You can also see that this project has its own lerna.json config file as well to run properly (take a look to see how it works).

See it in Action 🎦

You can see a small video of a new version release on this Release Demo - Wiki to demonstrate its usage. Confused with all these options? Perhaps taking a look at some of the references shown below might help you get started.

Good Lerna Tutorials / References



Feel free to contribute any Pull Request. Also please note that the original code was not created by me and my knowledge of the library is still limited in some sections of the project. The main goal of this fork was to make it more modular and keep dependencies up to date (Renovate was put in place and runs weekly).

Development / Contributions

To contribute to the project, please follow the steps shown in the Contributing Guide


If you have problems running the lib and your problems are related to Git commands that were executed, then we suggest to first try with the --dry-run option to see if it helps in finding the error(s) that you may have. Another great, and possibly much more useful suggestion, is to search in the original Lerna issues list and see if any solution could help you (remember that Lerna-Lite is a fork of the original code from Lerna and it works the same way). Lastly, if that is not enough and you wish to troubleshoot yourself, then read this Troubleshooting - Wiki to possibly troubleshoot yourself the execution in your own environment.

Published Packages

Package Name Version Description Changes
@lerna-lite/cli npm Lerna-Lite CLI required to execute any command changelog
@lerna-lite/core npm Lerna-Lite core & shared methods (internal use) changelog
@lerna-lite/init npm Setup your monorepo to use Lerna-Lite changelog
@lerna-lite/publish npm Publish packages in the current workspace changelog
@lerna-lite/version npm Bump Version & write Changelogs changelog
@lerna-lite/exec npm Execute shell command in current workspace changelog
@lerna-lite/changed npm List local packages that changed since last release changelog
@lerna-lite/diff npm Diff all packages or a single package since last release changelog
@lerna-lite/list npm List local packages changelog
@lerna-lite/listable npm Listable utils used by list and changed commands (internal use) changelog
@lerna-lite/filter-packages npm Lerna-Lite filtering package utils used by optional commands (internal use) changelog
@lerna-lite/profiler npm Lerna-Lite Profiler used by some optional commands (internal use) changelog
@lerna-lite/run npm Run npm scripts in current workspace changelog
@lerna-lite/watch npm Watch for changes within packages and execute commands changelog




Subset of Lerna in a smaller & more modular project. Helps manage and publish multiple packages in a monorepo/workspace structure







No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 99.7%
  • JavaScript 0.3%