This is my personal project to create a platform for writers to keep track of different aspects of their work privately before making it public. There are probably a few other sites that are already like this, but I'm adding an analytics twist to it (basically, charts).
I kept the tech stack simple so I could learn more about different Rails gems. For a full list of helpful resources, check out the last section!
I started off with two simple tables.
- A writer can have many stories.
- Stories belong to a writer.
Incorporating the Devise gem ended up creating additional fields like encrypted passwords in the writers table.
- A guest can check out profiles for other writers if they have the link. However, they will only be able to see public stories.
- A writer can create as many private stories as they want. When the story is meant to be shared, it can! So brainstorm away!
- A test writer has been set up with some story ideas.
- Bootstrap -
- Ruby on Rails -
- Chartkick -
- Devise -
- Figaro -
- Groupdate -
- Chart.js -