Releases: waluwaz/belmon
new period: last 90 days
Allows generating charts with the last 90 days
FIXED: wrong version number
CHANGED: Readme with better installation instructions - the person installing must update the shell script...
FIXED: filenames inadequate after rename...
CHANGES: new name, now "belmon"
Install from waluwaz github
--- 7 metrics and log table with correct dates ----
Data collected every 15 minutes.
7 metrics collected.
Proper split split/grouping between 6 Rx metrics, controlled by the Rx channel filters (e.g. 16 channels, from 1 to 22 with gaps); and 1 Tx metric controlled by the Tx channel filter (4 different channels from 1 to 4).
Removed the irrelevant feature to correct figures by a factor of 10 on some other modem models.
To bootstrap this, first install the modmon from JackYaz. And then overwrite some files (typically the should become /jffs/scripts/modmon; and the .asp file should go to /jffs/addons/modmon.d. All install/update features for my modmon are untested and probably non functional.
Note that the filtering and the colour coding for this are not always perfect.
This version reports about 7 metrics (6+1), i.e. 'Downstream Power','Downstream SNR','Frequency','Octets','Corrected','Uncorrectable','Upstream Power'. v0.1 only had 6 metrics.
This version has properly labelled metrics (v0.1 had the values stuck in "random" metrics).
This version protects itself against the router reporting a count of zero (e.g. octets) for channel zero (sic).
Check the readme for some weaknesses. For instance, the filtering is flaky. IF some chart displays 7 days, it might show 20 channels; while another chart displaying 1 day might only show 16 channels. This scenario is probably not present on the original target modem; and the code is probably imperectly coping. For instance, the legends are different in differnt graphs which is not great (e.g. channel 22 in the chart that has 20 channels, vs the graph that has 16 channels, including 22).
V0.1 - hack
This derivative of modmon can get metrics from a VOO modem in Belgium.
It possibly requires
A. to open the connection outside the tool
B. to patch the connection information (e.g. from F12/Network/Copy as cURL) into the shell script running on the router, either using an editor on the modem, either by updating the full scipt on your dev machines, and pasting the new code in vi in a ssh session to the router. If this sounds complicated/obscure to you, then this hack is possibly not suitable for you.
NB: I don't have the expertise that allows Jack to produce production grade, first quality addons. My hack will forever be a mess. Use as inspiration or Proof of Concept to make something better.
NB: This implementation brings 6 "values" from VOO into 6 metrics from the original modmon. Names do NOT all match. Later versions attemp to manage 7 metrics with adequate new names.
As of 20/03/2022, V0.1 is the only one that vaguely supports selecting the channels that are displayed. Moreover, V0.2 currently has expand/collapse feature broken.
I'm no GIT expert... lame... This 0.1.0 is very similar to the branch Example-of-minimum-changes-for-new-modem-support