CommonRefreshControl is a subclass helper for UITableViewController to implement UIRefershControl into your iOS 6 apps
Add CommonRefreshControl directory to your app
Add #import "CommonTableViewController.h" to yout UITableViewController .h file
Change UITableViewController in your .h file to CommonTableViewController
In your UITableViewController .m file, add the following to viewDidLoad
__weak MasterViewController *weakself = self; [self setUpRefresh:^(void){
//Add logic here to do refresh the table.
[weakself endRefreshWithDateStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle timeStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
//This call can be used default text values for a sync process
//This call can be used default text values for a refresh process
//This call can be used to enter your own default text values for a refresh process
-(void)setUpRefresh:(NSAttributedString*)title workingTitle:(NSAttributedString*)workingTitle retryTitle:(NSAttributedString*)retryTitle refreshLogicBlock:(RefreshLogicBlock)refreshLogicBlock;
//Helper to call refresh the table outside of the pull down
-(void)refreshView:(UIRefreshControl *)refresh;
//Starts refresh
//Ends refresh with default text
//Ends refresh with date set based on style sent in.
-(void)endRefreshWithDateStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)dateStyle timeStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)timeStyle;