This repository contains a collection of benchmark models for the OpenMC and other Monte Carlo particle transport codes. The following benchmark models are currently available:
- doppler-defect
- Benchmark for Doppler reactivity defect by Russell Mosteller. Described in LA-UR-06-2968.
- icsbep
- Problems from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments.
- indc-usa-107
- Simple pin-cell model to test S(a,b) treatment in Monte Carlo codes. See INDC(USA)-107.
- mc-performance
- The Monte Carlo Performance Benchmark originally proposed by J. Eduard Hoogenboom and William Martin.
- opr
- A BOL model of a Optimized Power Reactor 1000 (OPR1000) from South Korea. See Lee M.J. et al., "Monte Carlo Reactor Calculation with Substantially Reduced Number of Cycles", Proceedings of PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, TN (2012).
- source-convergence
- The OECD/NEA Source Convergence Benchmarks which include a checkerboard storage of assemblies, a pincell array with irradiated fuel, three thick one-dimensional slabs, and an array of interacting spheres.
- c5g7
- The OECD/NEA C5G7 Benchmarks which include multi-group benchmarks typically for deterministic transport problems. This set includes a pincell, the 2D 2x2 UO2 and MOX assembly array, and a 3D version of the 2x2 UO2 and MOX assembly array. This set also includes the additional set of problems from the OECD/NEA C5G7_3D Benchmark extension,