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An attempt to bring Local ranks into GOKZ, for MySQL/MariaDB servers.


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MyRanks for GOKZ

NOTE: With the release of GOKZ 3.0.0, and the Global ranking system, I do not see much use of continuing support for this plugin. At the moment it will effectively break GOKZ if used with 3.0.0, so I recommend uninstalling it!

An attempt to bring Local ranks into GOKZ. The ranking system that this plugin uses is very similar to the one that KZTimer has, but also has some differences. The KZTimer ranking system spams the SQL server with a massive amounts of queries to calculate the player rank, which makes it very slow for players that have completed a lot of maps. This plugin instead utilizes Stored Procedures in the SQL server, so that we can make a few queries, but still large calculations in the SQL server itself.

This unfortunately means that SQLite databases are not supported! And since this plugin heavily relies on GOKZ (and uses its DB connection), it means that your GOKZ installation also needs to run on MySQL!

Myranks Screenshot

The score calculation has also been changed. KZTimer takes points from finished maps, LJ stats, challenges, and amount of map completions. In this plugin, the rank is calculated based on map finishes only. Biggest part of the points comes from which rank you get on the map itself, with a bonus if you are in the top 20, and a small participation award for first time completions.

The skillgroups (TRAINEE, REGULAR, SEMIPRO, etc.) are based on a percentage (set in config) of the average score of the top 5 players in each mode. This means that it will jump quite a bit in the beginning, but will smooth out over time. It is after all a ranking, and not a progression system, so the player that has the most score will always have the best rank, be it 100 score or 100 000.

The plugin requires GOKZ Localranks to be in use, and that maps that you want to calculate rank based on should be in the cfg/sourcemod/gokz/gokz-localranks-mappool.cfg file, and you run !updatemappool to mark them as ranked maps. Note that this marks them in the DB, so if you have multiple servers on the same DB, they will share the same pool and you only have to do this on one server.

Plugins & Commands

This plugin has in addition to the main plugin some other helper plugins that adds more functionality.


This is the main plugin that handles calculating score for players, parsing of skillgroups etc. With this plugin you will get access to the following commands:

  • sm_rank <player> - Opens a menu that shows the rank of a player on the server, or yourself if no player specified.
  • sm_ranks - Shows the "skillgroups", and how many points you need for them, in your current mode.
  • sm_ranktop - Opens a menu for you to browse the top ranked players in each mode.

Admin commands:

  • sm_recalculate_top - Recalculates Top 100 ranks in each mode.

Myranks Chat

This is a copy of the GOKZ Chat processing plugin. It takes care of adding your current mode and skillgroup in front of your name in the chat. When using this, do not use gokz-chat.smx at the same time. Configuration happens the same way as for GOKZ-Chat plugin.

Configuration file will be generated in cfg/sourcemod/myranks/myranks-chat.cfg:

// This file was auto-generated by AutoExecConfig v0.1.5 (
// ConVars for plugin "myranks-chat.smx"

// Whether GOKZ processes player chat messages.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
gokz_chat_processing "1"

// Whether GOKZ handles connection and disconnection messages.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
gokz_connection_messages "1"

// Should the ADMIN tag be shown in chat?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
myranks_chattags_admin "1"

// Should the VIP tag be shown in chat?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
myranks_chattags_vip "1"

The required flags for ADMIN and VIP tags are configured with overrides:

"myranks_tags_admin" (default b, admin generic)
"myranks_tags_vip" (default a, reserved slot)

Myranks Clantags

This is a copy of the GOKZ Clantags plugin. It changes the clantag of players in the scoreboard to contain their current selected mode, and the skillgroup for that mode. When using this, do not use gokz-clantags.smx at the same time.

Configuration file will be generated in cfg/sourcemod/myranks/myranks-clantags.cfg:

// This file was auto-generated by AutoExecConfig v0.1.5 (
// ConVars for plugin "myranks-clantags.smx"

// Should the ADMIN tag be shown instead of skillgroup?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
myranks_clantags_admin "1"

// Should the VIP tag be shown instead of skillgroup?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
myranks_clantags_vip "1"

The required flags for ADMIN and VIP tags are configured with the same override as for the Chat plugin.

Myranks Kicker

This plugin will kick players that do not fulfill requirements on either score, skillgroup or both. In case you do not have a server that is limited to any Score/Skillgroup, you do not need to use this plugin. The mode that is used for checking players, is the default mode from GOKZ (by default KZTimer in GOKZ).

Configuration file will be generated in cfg/sourcemod/myranks/myranks-kicker.cfg:

// This skillgroup and higher will not be kicked. First skillgroup in skillgroup.cfg is number 0.
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
myrank_minimum_allowed_skillgroup "0"

// This score and higher will not be kicked.
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
myrank_minimum_allowed_score "0"

In addition to this, there is immunity also. By default, anyone with the Reservation admin access are immune to being kicked. You can configure this by using SourceMod overrides. To change the immunity to admins only for example, use overrides like this:

    "myrank_kicker_immunity" "b"

Installation / Update

  1. Compile the plugin (requires GOKZ, sourcemod-colors and autoexecconfig), or download a .zip release from the releases page.
  2. Run the SQL files in the sql folder on your MySQL/MariaDB server in your GOKZ database, to create the stored procedures. The .sql files do not need to go to your game server!
  3. Optionally manually run the PopulateBasedOnCompletedMaps(100,2) stored procedure (first argument is top X players, second is the mode (vnl 0, skz 1, kzt 2), run it for each mode), to populate score for the players that have most records on your server. This will make the ranks less volatile in the beginning.
  4. Place the files in their correct folders. Remember translations and config files!
  5. Remove gokz-chat.smx and gokz-clantags.smx, this plugin has its own version that shows the ranks. They will be automatically unloaded on first start if they exist.
  6. Update the ranked mappool as explained in the introduction.


  • 1.2.4 14.10.2021

    • Handle race condition in Kicker plugin. Properly check that both admin and score have been loaded before checking if the player should be kicked. Should solve issues where clients with reserved slot gets kicked because their admin rights are not loaded at the time the score is loaded and the kicker triggers.
    • Use correct skillgroup in kick message in Kicker Previously the message would say "Needed:" and then the players skillgroup. Now it will say both the players skillgroup, and the one that is actually needed.
  • 1.2.3 07.03.2021

    • Calculate score with low priority in initial setup. Separates the player insertion and initial score load, so that we can do the important stuff with high prio, and the score calculation with low prio.
    • Fix missing translations error in !rank command. When targeting an invalid target the server would throw an error about missing translations. This is now fixed by loading the correct translation file.
  • 1.2.2 21.01.2021

    • (Hopefully) Fixed bug where mode on Scoreboard tag would load in as VNL after map changes.
  • 1.2.1 21.01.2021

    • Show message instead of "gained 0 score" when finishing a map not in local rank pool. Will hopefully remove some confusion when players are running new maps that have not yet been added to the local ranked pool. Instead of saying that the player gained 0 score, it will now say that the map is not in the local ranked pool, and score will be rewarded when it is added.
  • 1.2.0 20.01.2021

    • Added ADMIN/VIP tags to chat messages, configured server-wide with overrides and cvars.
    • Added ADMIN/VIP tags to scoreboard, that replaces the skillgroup. Configured server-wide with overrides and cvars.
    • Set clantag after admin check. To fix ADMIN/VIP tag not showing up, but might also help with the bug that sometimes the clantag shows VNL for players.
    • Fixed SQL procedure syntax. (Does not require updating anything, but will make new installs work better.)
  • 1.1.1 8.11.2020

    • Correctly give PRO bonus points REQUIRES UPDATING GetMapScore SQL PROCEDURE!. Not doing it wont break anything, but this fix will not work. Similarly you can update the procedure without updating the plugin itself without breaking things.
    • Increased !ranktop to top 100 instead of 20.
    • Changed formatting of chat messages a bit, is now: [KZT | SKILLED] Derp : Hurrdidurr.
    • Calculate rank for unranked players correctly.
  • 1.1.0 24.10.2020

    • Added Kicker plugin that can be used to make a "REGULARS ONLY" or similar server.
  • 1.0.1 20.10.2020

    • Fix max score/skillgroup calculation when player with max score gains more.
  • 1.0.0 20.10.2020

    • Initial Release


A large part of SQL queries and code in this plugin has been copy-pasted and changed from the original GOKZ plugins. I have tried my best to mark these in places where the code has been used, and in the git history.

TODO / Other ideas

Some other ideas that could be implemented for this plugin:

  • Enable DB search for player !rank. Currently only for in-game players.
  • Foreign keys with delete cascade for the Myrank table?
  • Stored procedures as a part of the plugin?
  • Spam protection for chat?
  • !profile command
    • Content:
      • Player name
      • Steamid
      • Last Seen
      • Rank
      • Score (skillgroup)
      • Next skillgroup
      • How many pro times?
      • How many tp times? (based on what? Ranked maps? How about Vanilla?)
    • List finished maps
    • List unfinished maps
  • Minimum points for skillgroup?
  • Add "minimum rank" for the Kicker plugin.
  • Add possibility for players to individually turn on/off their own ADMIN and VIP tags.
  • Reset variables on map change?
    • It could be that some code is done with the assumption that all global variables are re-initialized after map change, which they are not. So they should be reset either when the plugin loads, or when clients connect.