A super simple service to convert an alpha numeric Ordnance Survey grid reference to easting / northing or easting / northing to a grid reference.
View online at https://gridref.longwayaround.org.uk.
To start a local web server for development you can use ring:
lein ring server-headless
Build and run a Docker image based on the Dockerfile
docker build -t gridref-web .
docker run -it --rm --memory-swap 250m --memory 250m --env PORT=8181 -p 8181:8181 --name gridref-web gridref-web
Specifying the same value for --memory-swap
and --memory
effectively limits
the container to that much memory without swap which mimics the fly.io
The above sets the PORT
environment variable which is used in the Dockerfile
to determine which port the embedded app server listens on; the -p
exposes the container port to localhost for testing.
Initial setup and deployment under a fly.dev domain:
flyctl auth login
fly launch
Choices made via fly launch
# ? Choose an app name (leave blank to generate one): gridref-web
# ? Choose a region for deployment: London, United Kingdom (lhr)
# Created app 'gridref-web' in organization 'personal'
# ? Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No
# ? Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? No
# ? Create .dockerignore from 3 .gitignore files? Yes
# ? Would you like to deploy now? No
Check the generated fly.toml
(no changes needed) so we can deploy which will
make the app available under a fly.dev sub-domain.
flyctl deploy
Setup a sub-domain and cert:
- Create a CNAME to pointing at the fly.dev sub-domain of the app
- Request a certificate via the
flyctl certs create gridref.longwayaround.org.uk
App is available at https://gridref.longwayaround.org.uk/.