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Releases: wahidshalaly/ReliableUnitOfWork.SqlAzure

Issue #4 Resolved

19 Aug 01:57
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Issue #4 has been resolved. NuGet package can be found here

Minor tuning to build process, I've replaced Environment settings in AppVeyor by a script build.environment.ps1 to prepare build environment. There is only one assumption about build server/agent, that Chocolatey is installed.

0.5.3 - Change in build scripts & process only

11 Aug 12:03
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This release didn't change the project code base or features.
I have changed the build process & versioning strategy.

The solution now will use GitHubFlow as a Git workflow & GitVersion as a tool for patching AssemblyInfo files, and bumping up build/version numbers.


08 Aug 00:27
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This release has been published to NuGet a while ago, you can find it here.

The reason I created the tag now that I'm changing the versioning model & I'll use GitVersion for next releases to see what benefits it can bring to the practice.

First pre-release

17 Mar 00:56
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First pre-release Pre-release

This is the first pre-release for this project.