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xfq committed Dec 27, 2024
1 parent 0bf2ea4 commit 6ef6d2c
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<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">In Chinese, interlinear annotation is most commonly used to indicate the pronunciation of Han characters. Presenting the pronunciation alongside the characters is a great help to beginners, especially to children who are native speakers, or to foreigners intending to study Chinese. Therefore, it is rare to annotate isolated Han characters. Instead, phonetic annotations tend to cover the full text. Also, it is not regular practice in Chinese layout to use interlinear annotation for pronunciation outside these educational contexts, even for the pronunciation of rarely used characters, although sometimes pronunciation is provided inline, possibly within brackets.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="checkme">行间注最常见的用途是为汉字标注读音。汉字标音针对的是汉语初学者,包括母语为汉语的幼儿以及学习汉语的外国人士,因此对个别字标音的情况较少,多为全文标音。常规排版中没有行间注标音的习惯,对生僻字也几乎从不标音,即便标音也只是用行内括号标注。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">行间注最常见的用途是为汉字标注读音。汉字标音针对的是汉语初学者,包括母语为汉语的幼儿以及学习汉语的外国人士,因此对个别字标音的情况较少,多为全文标音。常规排版中没有行间注标音的习惯,对生僻字也几乎从不标音,即便标音也只是用行内括号标注。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant">行間注最常見的用途係為漢字標注讀音。漢字標音針對的是漢語初學者,包括母語為漢語的幼兒以及學習漢語的外國人士,因此對個別字標音的情況較少,多為全文標音。常規排版中沒有行間注標音的習慣,對生僻字也幾乎從不標音,即便標音也只是用行內括號標注。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">There are two major annotation systems for indicating Chinese pronunciation: Bopomofo (Zhuyin) and Romanization.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">中文的标音方案有注音符号与罗马拼音两大类:</p>
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<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="leadin">罗马拼音</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant" class="leadin">羅馬拼音</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音), now the official standard in Mainland China, uses the Latin alphabet to transcribe the Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) pronunciations of Han characters. The most common use case in Mainland China is to indicate the pronunciation for all characters of the full text with Hanyu Pinyin. In Taiwan and areas that use Chinese dialects in China, the arrangement of the Taiwanese Romanization System for Minnan (<span lang="zh-hant">台灣閩南語羅馬字</span>), or romanization systems of other Chinese dialects are similar to those of Hanyu Pinyin.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="checkme">使用拉丁字母的汉语拼音是中国大陆推行的现代标准汉语(普通话)标音与拉丁转写方案,汉语拼音的全文标音也是中国大陆现代最常见的行间注用例。在中国大陆与台湾,台湾闽南语罗马字拼音等各种汉语方言的拉丁字母标音方案也有与汉语拼音情况类似的行间注用例。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">使用拉丁字母的汉语拼音是中国大陆推行的现代标准汉语(普通话)标音与拉丁转写方案,汉语拼音的全文标音也是中国大陆现代最常见的行间注用例。在中国大陆与台湾,台湾闽南语罗马字拼音等各种汉语方言的拉丁字母标音方案也有与汉语拼音情况类似的行间注用例。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant">使用拉丁字母的漢語拼音是中國大陸推行的現代標準漢語(普通話)標音與拉丁轉寫方案,漢語拼音的全文標音也是中國大陸現代最常見的行間注用例。在台灣與中國大陸漢語方言使用地區,台灣閩南語羅馬字拼音等各種漢語方言的拉丁字母標音方案也有與漢語拼音情況類似的行間注用例。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">Due to the characteristics of the Latin alphabet, such annotations appear in horizontal writing mode only. Texts for children who are native speakers usually provide reading assistance for each individual character, while texts for those who are learning Chinese as a second language mainly indicate pronunciation for whole words, but occasionally, both of them are set almost the same. There is space between the base text when whole words are annotated, and the interlinear annotation characters will have unique requirements such as sentence case, or punctuation marks corresponding to base characters. The composition of early publications using pinyin was quite variable and not consistent. In general, both character-based and word-based annotations were quite common. No further description of the early pinyin will be found in this document.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">因拉丁字母的特质,此类标音文本仅横排。针对幼儿母语者的文本以单字作为基文进行标音。针对双语学习者的文本除偶有与前者一致的格式外,大多分词连写,以词作为基文进行标音,基文之间如西文书写一般用空格隔开,并且注文有句首大写、专名首字母大写等格式以及与正文对应的标点符号,自成一体。汉语拼音早期印刷品的格式较为多变,一致性不强。大体上,单字标音与分词连写标音都常见,不作详细述。</p>
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<li id="id123">
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en" class="leadin">Bilingual Annotations.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="leadin checkme">中外文对照</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="leadin">中外文对照</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant" class="leadin">中外文對照</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">Bilingual annotations aim to provide a Chinese translation of text in foreign languages or acronyms, or to offer the original text for words that have been translated into Chinese. This is mainly used for proper nouns, titles or those terms whose concepts are difficult to convey after translation. It is commonly found in translated works, mainly in light novels.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="checkme">为外来语、首字母缩略词标注其中译,或对翻译名词标注其原文,多见于专有名词、作品名及译后概念较难传达的词汇。常见于译作,尤以轻小说为主。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">为外来语、首字母缩略词标注其中译,或对翻译名词标注其原文,多见于专有名词、作品名及译后概念较难传达的词汇。常见于译作,尤以轻小说为主。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant">為外來語、首字母縮略詞標注其中譯,或對翻譯名詞標注其原文,多見於專有名詞、作品名及譯後概念較難傳達的詞彙。常見於譯作,尤以輕小說為主。</p>
<figure id="billingual-annotation-use-case"><img width="500" height="361" alt="中外文對照行間注的排版示例" src="images/zh/billingual-annotation.svg">
<figcaption><span its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">An example of positioning for billingual annotations.</span> <span its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">中外文对照行间注的排版示例。</span> <span its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant">中外文對照行間注的排版示例。</span></figcaption>
<li id="id124">
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en" class="leadin">Interlinear Comments.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="leadin checkme">行间批语</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="leadin">行间批语</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant" class="leadin">行間批語</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">Interlinear comments are ways to annotate the meaning of text fragments or a single word, and are so named for their interlinear positioning. They usually lie in the interlinear space and co-exist with the body text. Compared to other annotation methods, i.e. headnotes or footnotes, interlinear comments are more compact and stick better to the body. These kinds of comments are often found in ancient books, such as Rouge Inkstone, an early commentary of the novel Dream of the Red Chamber.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans" class="checkme">行间批语是为一段文本片段或单个词汇标注解释的排版方式,因共存于正文文本,显示于其行间而得名。行间批语比眉批、脚注等注释方法更具紧凑、依附性,多见于如《红楼梦》早期抄本的脂砚斋批语等古籍。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="en" lang="en">Interlinear comments are ways to annotate the meaning of text fragments or a single word, and are so named for their interlinear positioning. They usually lie in the interlinear space and co-exist with the body text. Compared to other annotation methods, i.e. headnotes or footnotes, interlinear comments are more compact and stick better to the body. These kinds of comments are often found in ancient books, such as Zhiyanzhai, an early commentary of the novel Dream of the Red Chamber.</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hans" lang="zh-hans">行间批语是为一段文本片段或单个词汇标注解释的排版方式,因共存于正文文本,显示于其行间而得名。行间批语比眉批、脚注等注释方法更具紧凑、依附性,多见于如《红楼梦》早期抄本的脂砚斋批语等古籍。</p>
<p its-locale-filter-list="zh-hant" lang="zh-hant">行間批語是為一段文本片段或單個詞彙標注解釋的排版方式,因共存於正文文本,顯示於其行間而得名。行間批語較眉批、腳注等注釋方法更具緊湊、依附性,多見於如《紅樓夢》早期抄本的脂硯齋批語等古籍。</p>
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