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Draft issue responses

Lisa Seeman edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Issues are at:

This page is for us to draft and review responses

data-* or data-aui-* #137 opened 4 days ago by plannero 4

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Comment on draft regarding overlap with ACCNAME and ROLES #135 opened 13 days ago by DavidMacDonald

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I18N HR request #133 opened 25 days ago by clapierre 1

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PING Self Review - Module 1 Adaptable content privacy-tracker

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Improve Introduction and Use Cases explainer #85 opened on Aug 6, 2018 by ghost 2

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Prior art, comparison and trade-offs of taxonomy used in Adaptable Content Module content module explainer structure #74 opened on May 14, 2018 by samuelgoto 2

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Link to module "Adaptable Tools" goes to "document not found" editorial explainer #70 opened on Apr 23, 2018 by ghost @ruoxiran 5

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Link to module "Adaptable Help and support" goes to "document not found" editorial explainer #69 opened on Apr 23, 2018 by ghost

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Mozilla/Firefox Initial Version of Personalization Semantic Demo content module implementation #128 opened on Sep 20, 2019 by hawkinsw 2

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Cleanup in modules to match updated auto-complete harmonization content module #125 opened on Jun 18, 2019 by clapierre 4

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Vocabulary List updates need for symbol and stepindicator content module #114 opened on Jan 7, 2019 by snidersd @ruoxiran 3

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Content Module - supported values are inconsistent content module #109 opened on Oct 11, 2018 by snidersd 5

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Content Module - minor editorial fixes content module #107 opened on Oct 11, 2018 by snidersd

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Alternative design for consideration: different layering content module structure #76 opened on May 21, 2018 by samuelgoto 5

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Prior art, comparison and trade-offs of taxonomy used in Adaptable Content Module content module explainer structure #74 opened on May 14, 2018 by samuelgoto 2

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Explainer for adaptable content: use cases, problem statement, alternatives considered and expected applications content module features #72 opened on May 7, 2018 by samuelgoto 13

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Is "section-*****" really a field? content module #68 opened on Apr 10, 2018 by joanmarie 3

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Action table needs to be sorted somehow content module implementation #67 opened on Apr 10, 2018 by joanmarie

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Clarity needed for actions vs destinations content module implementation #66 opened on Apr 10, 2018 by joanmarie

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Remove duplicate items in value tables content module editorial #65 opened on Apr 10, 2018 by joanmarie 3

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Missing attribute: @context content module #49 opened on Feb 26, 2018 by johnfoliot @michael-n-cooper 2

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3.6 aui-symbol makes no sense content module #47 opened on Feb 22, 2018 by johnfoliot

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3.5 aui-distraction - Description and Supported Values content module #46 opened on Feb 22, 2018 by johnfoliot @michael-n-cooper 2

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Editorial change to 3.3.2 Example content module editorial #43 opened on Feb 22, 2018 by johnfoliot

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Unclear support for color contrast and CSS with symbols content module #42 opened on Feb 16, 2018 by xi @johnfoliot

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is symbol correct content module #36 opened on Feb 12, 2018 by lseeman @lseeman 1

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aria-function is not defined yet used in example content module implementation #33 opened on Jan 25, 2018 by jnurthen

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