A set of simple scripts that checks packages with .desktop and .service files inside to ensure that corresponding programs and services can be launched.
Once we build a new version of package into VzLinux repos, such tests are launched automatically for it.
= Test Launcher =
launcher.py is the main script (packaged as "vzlinux-autotest" binary into the vzlinux-autotest package inside VzLinux repos).
It calls check_apps_in_chroot.py script to check if applications can be launched using command lines from their desktop files and check_services_in_vm.py to check if services works.
A set of desktop files & services to be checked is prepared in semi-automated way - we just dump all packages with desktop or service files inside and check if the tests can be launched for them
= Docker Part (not maintained) =
docker autotester
How to build me?
- docker build --tag=vzlinux/autotest .
How to run me?
- docker run -it --rm --privileged=true -e PKG="xterm" -e PLATFORM="vzlinux-7" -e TARGET="apps" vzlinux/autotest
Mount log directory volume to the host system
docker run -it --rm --privileged=true -e PKG="xterm" -e PLATFORM="vzlinux-7" -e TARGET="apps" -v /tmp/:/var/log/vzlinux-autotests/ vzlinux/autotest
docker run -it --rm --privileged=true -e PKG="thunderbird" -v /tmp/results:/tmp/results/ vzlinux/autotest
Feel free to change PKG to any package from list according to vzlinux platform
Don't forgot to wipe old containers from aufs layers
- docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
save results into target folder
replace launcer.py with bash-script
docker run --privileged -td --name servicetest vzlinux/servicetest /sbin/init
docker exec -it servicetest /run-autotest.sh PKG=tuned