Enviroment for custom services build into containers docker
- Caution: docker-compose up is commented in ansible playbooks, uncomment its if don't want do it manually
This repository use the next tecnologies for maintenance of services:
- Ansible / Ansible Playbooks: Automatize install and maintenance of machines.
- Docker / Docker Compose: System for expose the services.
Vars used in the ansible playbooks
Appendeds to documentation
Base install for the server, port 8080 exposed is secured by firewall, you need modify docker-compose.yaml of traefik for remove the expose 8080 port if you don't have a firewall and the machine is full exposed
Samples with ansible:
# Check connection
ansible all --ask-pass -m ping --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host>
# Play the "playbook"
ansible-playbook 01-basics/01-ansible-server-install.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
ansible-playbook 01-basics/02-ansible-docker-network.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
ansible-playbook 01-basics/03-ansible-proxy.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
Install SGBD used
Port 3306 exposed is secured by firewall, you need modify docker-compose.yaml of traefik for remove the expose 3306 port if you don't have a firewall and the machine is full exposed
Remeber set password in ansinble_vars/vars.yaml file
# Sample for launch playbook
ansible-playbook 02-sgbd/01-ansible-sgbd-mariadb.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
Install all public websites, require "ansible-instalacion-servidor.yaml" playbook
Prepare system and create images of docker for host the websites
# Sample for launch playbook
ansible-playbook 03-websites/01-ansible-instalacion-www-base.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
Publish a basic website ping.vzenix.es for test
Require previous playbooks
# Sample for launch playbook
ansible-playbook 03-websites/02-ansible-instalacion-www-ping.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
Install or update websites services
Require previous playbooks
# Sample for launch playbook
ansible-playbook 03-websites/01-ansible-install-www-base.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
ansible-playbook 03-websites/02-ansible-install-www-ping.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass
ansible-playbook 03-websites/03-ansible-install-websites.yaml --limit=</ansible/hosts#nombre_host> --ask-pass