A mini (dumb) nextflow pipeline to test pipeline failures in general :D.
Running without parameters will run the pipeline to completion sucessfully:
nextflow run main.nf
To simulate a process with intermitent failures (some process executions fail while others pass) that retry up to 3 times and them the error is ignored:
nextflow run main.nf --alwaysPassIntermitentProcess=false
You can override the default error strategy using a parameter as well:
nextflow run main.nf --alwaysPassIntermitentProcess=false \
To simulate the failure of a "secondary" non-critical process, which is ignored and does not prevent the rest of the pipeline to complete:
nextflow run main.nf --abortTerminalProcess
The default error strategy for this process can also be override:
nextflow run main.nf --abortTerminalProcess \
To simulate the failure of a critical pipeline process that prevents downstream processes from being executed:
nextflow run main.nf --abortCriticalProcess
To simulate the failure of processes due to missing declared output files:
nextflow run main.nf --forceMissingOutputFail
You can set different ranges of run times (in seconds) for three processes, which can be combined with any of the failure options above:
nextflow run main.nf --terminalProcessTimeRange="10-20" \
--intermitentProcessTimeRange="1-1" \