This is Vultisig windows application
This project is using a tool call wails, please refer to to install wails
To run in live development mode, run wails dev
in the project directory. This will run a Vite development
server that will provide very fast hot reload of your frontend changes. If you want to develop in a browser
and have access to your Go methods, there is also a dev server that runs on http://localhost:34115. Connect
to this in your browser, and you can call your Go code from devtools.
To build a redistributable, production mode package, use wails build
The keysign / keygen related messages are defined in , it is shared between IOS/Android/Windows , and also other projects If you need to make an update to the proto file, make sure you raise a PR in
To generate the proto files for typescript, run the following command in the frontend directory
cd frontend && npx buf generate commondata/proto
To git pull for a submodule, you have a few options:
- Pull for the specific submodule:
git submodule update --remote frontend/commondata
- Pull for all submodules:
git submodule update --remote
- If you want to pull and also initialize/update nested submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- If you want to pull the main repository and all its submodules in one command:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Each of these commands will fetch and update the submodule to its latest commit on the remote branch.
Tip: Make sure you're in the root directory of your main repository when running these commands.
We have multiple chains, and we must avoid IF and else, so we use interfaces to implement the functionality per chain;
The services must be initialized using the FACTORIES, and inside the Factory class, the SWITCHES cases must be exhaustive so we can cover all chains.
The view model should only know the chain from which it wants to get the data and pass it to the factory. E.g.:
So, from the front-end perspective, we should use CHAIN for everything, and if there is a very specific implementation, we implement it using the services.
Vultisig under linux require libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
, usually you can run the following command to install it
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
If you are using ubuntu 24.4 and it can't find libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
, then here is the workaround
- add
deb jammy main
- and run
sudo apt update
andsudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev