pschitt! - A Python package for the modelling of atmoSpheric Showers and CHerenkov Imaging Terrestrial Telescopes
pschitt! is a software to image an object in the sky by an array of ground telescopes. It is intended to model atmospheric showers and image them with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. "pschitt" is a common French onomatopoeia for the sound produced when a rapid production of gas flows, for example when opening a bottle containing carbonated water.
- Code :
- Author contact: Thomas Vuillaume - [email protected]
- License: BSD-3
Required packages:
- numpy
- scipy>=0.19
- matplotlib>=2.0
- numba
Install using anaconda
conda create --name pschitt python=3 --file requirements.txt
source activate pschitt
python install
pip install -r requirements.txt .
Sorry there is no complete documentation yet.
You can start with notebooks/example.ipynb - or contact the author.