Higher-order component is awesome way to extend components functionality. But higher-order components have one nasty problem — we have no access to wrapped component. This small module tries to solve that problem.
Why do you need access to wrapped component?
I'm using ES6 decorators to wrap my "dumb" components. Sometimes I want to render pure "dumb" components without any decorators. This module gives me access to pure component.
What is "dumb" component?
Please read this article.
import {hocDecorator, getWrappedComponent} from 'hoc';
const smartComponentDecorator = hocDecorator(Component => class SmartComponent {
render() {
return <Component />;
class DumbComponent {
render() {/* */}
console.log(DumbComponent.name); // SmartComponent
console.log(getWrappedComponent(DumbComponent).name); // DumbComponent
var hoc = require('hoc');
var DumbComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {/* */}
var SmartComponent = hoc(DumbComponent, React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <DumbComponent />;
console.log(SmartComponent.displayName); // SmartComponent
console.log(hoc.getWrappedComponent(SmartComponent).displayName); // DumbComponent