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Ruby CLI and client library for API


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vpsFree-Client is a Ruby CLI and client library for API. It is based on vpsadmin-client, which is in turn based on haveapi-client.

More information about vpsFree-Client can be found at's knowledge base.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vpsfree-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vpsfree-client


If you are a Nix user, you can use nixpkgs.vpsfree-client.



$ vpsfreectl -h
Usage: vpsfreectl [options] <resource> <action> [objects ids] [-- [parameters]]
    -u, --api URL                    API URL
    -a, --auth METHOD                Authentication method
        --list-versions              List all available API versions
        --list-auth-methods [VERSION]
                                     List available authentication methods
        --list-resources [VERSION]   List all resource in API version
        --list-actions [VERSION]     List all resources and actions in API version
        --version VERSION            Use specified API version
    -c, --columns                    Print output in columns
    -H, --no-header                  Hide header row
    -L, --list-parameters            List output parameters
    -o, --output PARAMETERS          Parameters to display, separated by a comma
    -r, --rows                       Print output in rows
    -s, --sort PARAMETER             Sort output by parameter
        --save                       Save credentials to config file for later use
        --raw                        Print raw response as is
        --timestamp                  Display Datetime parameters as timestamp
        --utc                        Display Datetime parameters in UTC
        --localtime                  Display Datetime parameters in local timezone
        --date-format FORMAT         Display Datetime in custom format
        --[no-]block                 Toggle action blocking mode
        --timeout SEC                Fail when the action does not finish within the timeout
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Run verbosely
        --client-version             Show client version
        --protocol-version           Show protocol version
        --check-compatibility        Check compatibility with API server
    -h, --help                       Show this message

action_state wait <STATE ID>         Block until the action is finished
vps remote_console VPS_ID            Open VPS remote console
vps migrate_many VPS_ID...           Migrate multiple VPSes using a migration plan
snapshot download [SNAPSHOT_ID]      Download a snapshot as an archive or a stream
snapshot send SNAPSHOT_ID            Download a snapshot stream and write it on stdout
backup dataset [DATASET_ID] FILESYSTEM Backup dataset locally
backup vps [VPS_ID] FILESYSTEM       Backup VPS locally
ip_traffic top                       Live IP traffic monitor


Authenticate using token and save it to config for later use:

vpsfreectl --auth token --save user current

Note that the token will be stored in your home directory in plain text and anyone having access to it will be able to login as yourself into vpsAdmin.

Show action parameters:

vpsfreectl vps create -h

List VPS:

vpsfreectl vps list

List OS templates:

vpsfreectl os_template list

Create VPS:

vpsfreectl vps create -- --hostname myvps --os-template-id 26

Delete VPS #1000:

vpsfreectl vps delete 1000

List IP addresses:

vpsfreectl vps.ip_address list

Open remote VPS console:

vpsfreectl vps remote_console $vps_id

Client library

require 'vpsfree/client'

api =
api.login(:basic, user: 'yourname', password: 'yourpassword')

response = api.vps.index
p response.ok?
p response.response

p api.os_template.index

p api.vps.create({
  hostname: 'myvps',
  os_template_id: 26

p api.vps(1000).delete
p api.vps(1000).delete!

p api.vps.ip_address.index


Ruby CLI and client library for API







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