Your conference companion !
It's licensed under the very commercial friendly Apache License 2.
You can get more details from the web site at
- Social authentication
- List of available conferences (past / futures)
- List of scheduled presentations
- Tag a talk as favorite in order to be notified when it starts
- PUSH notification (mobile only)
- Tag a talk in order to be notified when a video content is published
- PUSH notification (mobile only)
- Rate a talk (stars system)
- Consult the most favored talks and build your conference program
- Statistics (only for event administrators)
- Most favored talk
- Most stared talk
- Best rated talk (and average rate)
- Publish content (talk video recording for instance ...)
- ...
A set of HTTP crawlers is already available, so If you want an application to be available in voxxrin, thank you to open a pull request :) Available conferences are :
- Devoxx (FR, PL, BE, UK, ...)
- Mix-IT
- Codeurs en seine
- BreizhCamp
- Jug Summer Camp
- Offline mode
- Some other statistics
- Other type of notification when PUSH is not available : especially for web users
- Notify user when a new conference is available
- Make configurable notification system PUSH (what type of notification, a user receives) from mobile app
- Display a link to ticketing website from an event
- ...
Contributions are welcome, fork the repo, push your changes to a branch and send a pull request :) !
Principal commiters / providers of idea are :
- Elian ORIOU (@eoriou)
- Frédéric CAMBLOR (@fcamblor)
- Robin LOPEZ (@lopezrobin)
Used technologies are :
The app is compound by a multi-module maven artifact:
The shared model. All POJOs + serialization logic are stored into this module.
All implemented crawlers and configuration manager. Each crawler much extends the AbstractHttpCrawler class.
The voxxrin backend providing a REST API. Based on the web fmwk and connected to a NoSQL MongoDB database. Authentication is based on JWT (Json Web Token) & Social Providers (twitter, ...).
The mobile / web app. Based on the mobile component fmwk ionic. Web resources are served by the backend but are configured to be deployed into a cordova application.
Launch Java class voxxrin2.AppServer
providing mandatory VM options with default values :
In progress ...