This code shows how to read and write blobs and how to create a blob serving url (GCS host or blobkey).
Writing blob files to GCS is a replacement for the deprecated blobstore.Files API.
The blob files can be images or other files like html, css, js and pdf.
The free default bucket in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is used to store the blobs.
From the docs: An application can use the default GCS bucket, which provides an already configured bucket with free quota.
The code always uses the Images get_serving_url for images (gif/png/jpg).
This image serving url allows dynamic resizing and cropping.
The use_blobstore option configures the serving_url type for non-images.
The use_blobstore default (= True) can be overwritten in
blob_upload contains the code to upload a file to cloudstorage:
upload: https://<appid>
or: http://localhost:8080/blob_upload
To serve the data, you can use in your Jinja HTML template:
js: <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ serving_url }}"></script>
css: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ serving_url }}">
pdf: <a href="{{ serving_url }}" target="_blank">Test PDF</a>
img: <img alt="{{ filename }}" src="{{ serving_url }}" />
In GAE production the serving url looks like:
or a blobstore like url, when use_blobstore = True
And in the SDK:
images: http://localhost:8080/_ah/img/encoded_gs_file:YXBwX2R......Y3Nz
other: https://localhost:8080/_ah/gcs/default_bucket/file_name
or a blobstore like url, when use_blobstore = True
Note: The SDK encoded_gs_file id = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(app_default_bucket/filename)
The benefits of use_blobstore = False (GCS host):
- Cheaper and probably significantly faster.
- Google will serve the GCS files for you. The BlobstoreDownloadHandler is not used.
- The filename is short and part of the serving_url.
- But the hostname of the serving is always (because of HTTPS)
This code was tested using App Engine SDK 1.9.13 and the GCS client library
GCS client library installation on Windows 7:
C:\Python27\scripts>pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade
C:\Python27\scripts>pip install GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient -t <my_app_directory_root>