⚠️ I am no longer actively working on this tool mainly because the Microsoft 365 CLI (formerly Office 365 CLI) is a better cross platform alternative to manage the SPFx extensions among many other things.
Here is a blogpost which might help you: https://sharepoint.handsontek.net/2018/02/11/mange-spfx-extensions-from-macos-with-office-365-cli/
and the customaction docs for the M365 CLI: https://pnp.github.io/cli-microsoft365/cmd/spo/customaction/customaction-add/
CLI tool to manage SharePoint Framework extensions currently installed on a Site Collection, Site or a List.
Note: SharePoint Framework extensions RC is out now. It is not recommended to use them in production yet. The functionality of this tool might change after extensions reach GA.
npm install spfx-extensions-cli -g
spfx-ext --help
spfx-ext --connect "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/team"
spfx-ext --site
spfx-ext --web
spfx-ext --list "My List"
Adding an extension to a site is mainly useful for tenant scoped extensions. Make sure the
file is uploaded/deployed in the app catalog and the extension is available to be added to a site without activating any features. After that,spfx-ext add
can be used to add the extension to a perticular site collection, web or list.
spfx-ext add <title> <extensionType> <scope> <clientSideComponentId> --registrationid --registrationType --clientprops
For help, type
spfx-ext add --help
spfx-ext add "SiteCollection App Customizer" ApplicationCustomizer site f5c5285d-0141-42e5-b198-044433cd3d0c
spfx-ext add "App Customizer with Props" ApplicationCustomizer web f7b1ca4a-705d-45f6-a072-3803748556a9 --clientProps "{\"Top\":\"Top area\",\"Bottom\":\"Bottom area\"}"
spfx-ext add "List CommandSet" ListViewCommandSet.CommandBar list 297808d9-98da-44c7-a697-0605fc4062b7 --listtitle "Documents"
spfx-ext add "List CommandSet" ListViewCommandSet.CommandBar web 297808d9-98da-44c7-a697-0605fc4062b7 --registrationId 100 --registrationType List
spfx-ext remove <scope> <id> --listtitle
For help, type:
spfx-ext remove --help
spfx-ext remove web b424419b-af2f-4748-bd76-503fe1bd567a
spfx-ext remove site 92b384c7-4a78-4ad1-b6c6-a9c2d85c18b5
spfx-ext remove list --listtitle "Documents" 38f4ce5c-e447-4199-9f56-fd9f96370cfd
Note: Adding/Removing FieldCustomizers is not implemented in spfx-extensions-cli at this time.