The classifier code is taken from excellent blog by Bahrudin Hrnjica ( Windows hosting service added with WebApi support, for tests use ConsoleHost project.
Use of postman tool is highly recommended ( :)
- First, to create and train model, send GET request (http://localhost:9000/api/v1/iris/train_model) Response will provide accuracy result
- To evaluate trained model send (http://localhost:9000/api/v1/iris/evaluate)
- Sample data: {"Token":"api_token", "Input":{"sepal_length":1.0,"sepal_width":2.0,"petal_length":1.0,"petal_width":3.0}}
- Token is not validated as this time.
- C#/.NET 4.8.0
- CNTK 2.7.0
- WInApi 5.2.7
- Owin 4.1.1
- Topshelf 4.3.0
- log4net 2.0.12