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vkraven committed Jul 28, 2023
1 parent e13bef2 commit e057055
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# Revision history for swankybar

## -- 2023-07-28

* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world!
* Supports Adaptive Sync toggling with `swankybar-as`
674 changes: 674 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

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# swankybar
Sway + Waybar custom plugin to toggle Adaptive Sync

Sway + Waybar custom plugin to toggle Adaptive Sync from Waybar.

Made this custom plugin because Sway with adaptive sync on causes my monitors to flicker, so I only want to use it when gaming. But I can never remember the magical invocation and `swaymsg --help` is not very helpful.

Static-linked Haskell release binary lovingly built with Nix flakes! See `flake-static.nix`.

## Requirements

- Sway
- Waybar > v 0.9.5
- (Optional) DBus notifications through `org.freedesktop.Notifications`
- A font with the following Glyphs: 󰓦 󱆢 󰓨 󰓧

## Installation

1. Download `swankybar-as`
2. `chmod +x swankybar-as`
3. Add this to your Waybar config (usually in `~/.config/waybar/config`)

"custom/swankybar-as" : {
"format": "{}",
"format-alt": "{}",
"on-click": "PATH/TO/swankybar-as", // UPDATE THIS
"on-click-middle": "PATH/TO/swankybar-as toggle --all", // UPDATE THIS
"on-click-right": "PATH/TO/swankybar-as toggle", // UPDATE THIS
"return-type": "json",
"tooltip": true,
"exec": "PATH/TO/swankybar-as", // UPDATE THIS
"exec-on-event": true,
"interval": 60 // Set this to whatever you like

## Installation on NixOS

1. Add to an overlay with
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions app/AdaptiveSync.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module AdaptiveSync where

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson (decode)
import Data.List (intersperse)

import Outputs
import SwayIPC
import DbusHelper

data AdaptiveSyncStatus = ASActive
| ASInactive
| ASPartial
| ASError
deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show AdaptiveSyncStatus where
show ASActive = "Active"
show ASInactive = "Inactive"
show ASPartial = "Partial"
show ASError = "ERROR"

interpretAdaptiveSync :: Text -> Bool
interpretAdaptiveSync "enabled" = True
interpretAdaptiveSync _ = False

ipcCommandWasSuccessful :: Maybe ByteString -> Bool
ipcCommandWasSuccessful Nothing = False
ipcCommandWasSuccessful (Just msg) =
case (decode . BL.fromStrict $ msg :: Maybe [M.Map String Bool]) of
Nothing -> False
Just listMap ->
case listMap of
[] -> False
[x] -> fromMaybe False $ M.lookup "success" x
x@(_:_) -> all id $ fromMaybe False . M.lookup "success" <$> x

getOutputs :: MaybeT IO [Output]
getOutputs = MaybeT ipcGetOutputs >>=
MaybeT . return . decode . BL.fromStrict

getFocusedOutputName :: [Output] -> Maybe Text
getFocusedOutputName outs =
case filter o_focused outs of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just $ o_name x
(x:_) -> Nothing

ipcGetFocusedOutputName :: MaybeT IO Text
ipcGetFocusedOutputName =
getOutputs >>= MaybeT . return . getFocusedOutputName

adaptiveSyncStatusByName :: [Output] -> Text -> Maybe Bool
adaptiveSyncStatusByName outs name =
case filter (\x -> o_name x == name) outs of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just . interpretAdaptiveSync . o_adaptive_sync_status $ x
_ -> Nothing

toggleFocusedOutputAdaptiveSync :: IO Bool
toggleFocusedOutputAdaptiveSync = do
maybeOuts <- runMaybeT getOutputs
case maybeOuts of
Nothing -> return False
Just outs ->
case getFocusedOutputName outs of
Nothing -> return False
Just focusedOutput ->
case adaptiveSyncStatusByName outs focusedOutput of
Nothing -> return False
Just currentStatus ->
let commandMessage = BS.concat [
"output "
, TE.encodeUtf8 focusedOutput
, " adaptive_sync "
, syncStatusToCommand (not currentStatus)
in ipcSendCommand commandMessage >>=
return . ipcCommandWasSuccessful >>=
\success -> safeConnectAndNotify success (Just focusedOutput) currentStatus >>
return success

toggleAllOutputsAdaptiveSync :: IO Bool
toggleAllOutputsAdaptiveSync = do
maybeOuts <- runMaybeT getOutputs
syncStatus <- getSingleAdaptiveSyncStatus
case maybeOuts of
Nothing -> return False
Just outs ->
case syncStatus of
ASError -> return False
_ ->
let currentStatus = not (syncStatus == ASInactive)
commandMessage = BS.concat [
"output * adaptive_sync "
, syncStatusToCommand (not currentStatus)
in ipcSendCommand commandMessage >>=
return . ipcCommandWasSuccessful >>=
\success -> safeConnectAndNotify success Nothing currentStatus >>
return success

syncStatusToCommand :: Bool -> ByteString
syncStatusToCommand True = "on"
syncStatusToCommand False = "off"

getSyncStatusIcon :: AdaptiveSyncStatus -> String
getSyncStatusIcon ASActive = "\xf04e6"
getSyncStatusIcon ASPartial = "\xf11a2"
getSyncStatusIcon ASInactive = "\xf04e8"
getSyncStatusIcon ASError = "\xf04e7"

makeDetailedOutputMessage :: Output -> String
makeDetailedOutputMessage out = "\xf0379" ++ " " ++
(T.unpack . o_name $ out) ++
": " ++ (T.unpack . o_model $ out ) ++ " - " ++
(T.unpack . o_adaptive_sync_status $ out)

makeDetailedAdaptiveSyncMessage :: AdaptiveSyncStatus -> [Output] -> String
makeDetailedAdaptiveSyncMessage ASError _ = "<big>ERROR</big>"
makeDetailedAdaptiveSyncMessage status outs = "<big>" ++ show status ++ "</big>\n\n" ++
(concat . intersperse "\n" . fmap makeDetailedOutputMessage $ outs)

getAllAdaptiveSyncStatus :: MaybeT IO (Bool, Bool)
getAllAdaptiveSyncStatus = do
outs <- getOutputs
let allAS = all (interpretAdaptiveSync . o_adaptive_sync_status) outs
anyAS = any (interpretAdaptiveSync . o_adaptive_sync_status) outs
return (allAS, anyAS)

multipleASToSingle :: (Bool, Bool) -> AdaptiveSyncStatus
multipleASToSingle (True, True) = ASActive
multipleASToSingle (False, True) = ASPartial
multipleASToSingle (False, False) = ASInactive
multipleASToSingle (True, False) = ASError

getSingleAdaptiveSyncStatus :: IO AdaptiveSyncStatus
getSingleAdaptiveSyncStatus = do
allASStatus <- runMaybeT getAllAdaptiveSyncStatus
case allASStatus of
Nothing -> return ASError
Just x -> return $ multipleASToSingle x
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions app/CmdArgs.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module CmdArgs where

import System.Console.CmdArgs

version :: String
version = ""

data WaybarAdaptive = Toggle { all_ :: Bool }
| Display
deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq)

display = Display &= help "Displays the current adaptive sync status in Sway"
&= auto

toggle = Toggle { all_ = False &= help "Toggles all outputs' adaptive sync\n\nDefaults to false"
} &= help "Toggle adaptive sync on or off on the focused display"

swankybarAdaptiveCli = cmdArgsMode $ modes [display, toggle]
&= helpArg [help "Display or toggle adaptive sync in Sway", name "h"]
&= program "swankybar-as"
&= summary ("swankybar-as v." ++ version ++ "\nHelper tool to toggle adaptive sync on and off\nand print a nice Waybar JSON")

runSwankybarAdaptiveCli = cmdArgsRun swankybarAdaptiveCli
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions app/DbusHelper.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module DbusHelper where

import DBus.Notify
import DBus.Client (ClientError)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception

data NotifyMessage = NotifyMessage {
toggleSuccess :: Bool
, notifyClient :: Client
, focusedOutputName :: Maybe Text
, previousSyncStatus :: Bool

thisAppName :: String
thisAppName = "swankybar - Adaptive Sync"

errorNote :: Note
errorNote = blankNote {
appName = thisAppName
, summary = "Error"
, body = Just $ Bold (Text "ERROR: Toggling adaptive sync failed")

-- makeToggleStatusNote focusedNameOrAll previousStatusWasActive
makeToggleStatusNote :: Maybe Text -> Bool -> Note
makeToggleStatusNote Nothing True = blankNote {
appName = thisAppName
, summary = "Disabled"
, body = Just $ Text "Successfully disabled adaptive sync on all outputs"
makeToggleStatusNote Nothing False = blankNote {
appName = thisAppName
, summary = "Enabled"
, body = Just $ Text "Successfully enabled adaptive sync on all outputs"
makeToggleStatusNote (Just outputName) True = blankNote {
appName = thisAppName
, summary = "Disabled"
, body = Just $ Text $ "Successfully disabled adaptive sync on output: " ++ T.unpack outputName
makeToggleStatusNote (Just outputName) False = blankNote {
appName = thisAppName
, summary = "Enabled"
, body = Just $ Text $ "Successfully enabled adaptive sync on output: " ++ T.unpack outputName

notifyToggleError :: ReaderT NotifyMessage IO ()
notifyToggleError = do
client <- asks notifyClient
liftIO $ notify client errorNote
return ()

notifyToggleSuccess :: ReaderT NotifyMessage IO ()
notifyToggleSuccess = do
client <- asks notifyClient
foName <- asks focusedOutputName
prev <- asks previousSyncStatus
liftIO $ notify client $ makeToggleStatusNote foName prev
return ()

connectAndNotify :: Bool -> Maybe Text -> Bool -> IO ()
connectAndNotify False _ _ = do
client <- connectSession
let env = NotifyMessage False client Nothing False
runReaderT notifyToggleError env
connectAndNotify True foName prevStatus = do
client <- connectSession
let env = NotifyMessage True client foName prevStatus
runReaderT notifyToggleSuccess env

-- If we cannot connect to the dbus session, just ignore it
-- DBus notifications are not required
safeConnectAndNotify :: Bool -> Maybe Text -> Bool -> IO ()
safeConnectAndNotify a b c = catch (connectAndNotify a b c) ((\e -> return ()) :: ClientError -> IO ())


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