Automate Software Deployment using Github Actions Objective : This repository aims to provide steps, guidelines to use Github Actions to build and deploy resources on Azure Cloud.
Pre-requisite :
- Active Azure account or Trial Account
- Github account
- Awareness of github and Azure.
Use Case :
- Automate Creation of an AKS Cluster and ACR using Github Actions
- Automate Creation of a Cloudnative Application on AKS(using helm), this includes the build and push of the image using Dockerfile.
- Any change on the code of the Application will trigger auto build and deploy
Limitations :
- Before pipeline-platform.yaml is run again, the existing AKS and ssh-keys,associated SP,etc needs to be cleaned, the complete reason and resolution is unknown, Please refer known issue - Azure/azure-quickstart-templates#5442
Note : The purpose of this repository is purely educational, hence any suggestions,contributions are welcome.