Releases: vitessce/vitessce
Patch Changes
Add support for Zarr ZipFileStores for AnnData file types. (
) (#1810) -
Add sampleSets and sampleEdges data types, with file types for CSV and AnnData, respectively. (
) (#1791) -
Support featureLabels data type in spatialBeta legend. Add Maynard 2021 Visium example config. (
) (#1815)
Patch Changes
Update light2 theme styles to use border rather than grid background. (
) (#1809) -
Add 'light2' theme in which views have a white background. (
) (#1800) -
Do not rely on a higlass server to load chromosome sizes. (
) (#1797) -
Implement violin plot via D3 (rather than Vega-Lite). (
) (#1440) -
Add Salcher et al., Cancer Cell 2022 demo config. (
) (#1807) -
Add Lake et al. 2023 config. Fix y-axis min for violin plot. (
) (#1790) -
Support loading AnnData.obs columns as an obsFeatureMatrix data type. (
) (#1806) -
Use built-in Object.fromEntries. (
) (#1808)
Patch Changes
Prevent URLs from being included in download dropdown for Zarr file types. (
) (#1759) -
SpatialData file type. (
) (#1728) -
Support bitmask segmentations with gaps and irregular orderings. Enable usage of JSON-based Zarr stores in demos for tests. (
) (#1758) -
Fix volume control text sizing bug in layerController. (
) (#1746)
Patch Changes
Add the prop closeButtonVisible to all views, passed down to TitleInfo, to allow hiding the close buttons on each view by setting this prop in the config. (
) (#1740) -
Memoize button icons in TitleInfo to prevent unnecessary re-renders" (
) (#1736) -
Added a prop to hide download buttons and dropdowns. (
) (#1743)
Minor Changes
- Use Zarrita.js rather than ZarrJS to load Zarr data. (This change is needed to support Zarr features that are required for SpatialData but are not available in ZarrJS.) (
) (#1693)
Patch Changes
Types-only package. (
) (#1708) -
TypeScript types for @vitessce/utils sub-package. (
) (#1706) -
Upgrade cypress to fix cypress-io/cypress#27804. (
) (#1703) -
Convert @vitessce/constants-internal to TypeScript by changing file extensions. (
) (#1701)
Patch Changes
Implement a workaround to allow for plugin zod schemas to be used. (
) (#1696) -
Upgrade Viv to get snapping scale bar. (
) (#1691) -
Generate alt text based on existing view-types in config, add this to the VitessceGrid. (
) (#1695)