Substance is a web-based technology stack for collaborative document manipulation. Substance releases all building blocks as Open Source under an MIT license, so you can glue them together for your usecase.
We've prepared a sandbox where you can play around with our editor and run the tests. It's meant to be a starting point for creating your very-own Substance application.
Installation is easy:
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Run our update script
$ cd substance $ npm install
Finally start the server and point your browser to
$ npm start
Currently the following modules are available:
- Substance.Data - A uniform interface to domain data that supports versioning, persistence and replication
- Substance.Document - A feature-rich and well-tested document model and manipulation API
- Substance.Surface - A boilerplate for web-based text editors
- Substance.Chronicle - A git inspired versioning API based on Operational Transformations (OT)
- Substance.Operator - Operational Transformation for strings, arrays and objects.
- Substance.Library - Filing Substance documents
- Substance.Store - Document storage layer