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A Full Stack Website project for selling/buying tickets using microservices, MERN stack, Redis and automated CI/CD Github Actions. The app is deployed on DigitalOcean using kubernetes.

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A Full Stack Website project for selling/buying tickets using microservices, MERN stack, Redis and automated CI/CD Github Actions. The app is deployed on DigitalOcean using kubernetes.

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Table of Contents

Run on DigitalOcean

  1. Get a Domain name.
  2. Install DigitalOcean cli
  3. Create Kubernetes.
  4. Create LoadBalancer.
kubectl apply -f
git push

Run Local

  1. Install Docker and Kubernetes.
  2. Install Node.js.
  3. Install skaffold.
kubectl apply -f
cd ./
kubectl apply -f cloud-generic.yaml
skaffold dev


  • Auth: Everything related to user signup/signin/signout.
  • Tickets: Ticket creation/editing. Knows wether a ticket can be updated.
  • Orders: Order creation/editing.
  • Expiration: Watches for orders to be created cancels them after 15 minutes.
  • Payments: Handles credit card payments. Cancels orders if payments fails, completes if payment succeeds.



Name Type
email string
password string


Name Type
title string
price number
userId Ref to User
orderId Ref to Order


Name Type
userId Ref to User
status Created | Cancelled | AwaitingPayment | Completed
tickedId Ref to Ticket
expiresAt Date


Name Type
orderId Ref to Order
status Created | Failed | Completed
amount number
stripeId string
stripeRefundId string


  • UserCreated: Used to create an user.
  • UserUpdated: Used to update user's data.
  • OrderCreated: Used to create an order for a ticket.
  • OrderCancelled: Used to cancell an order.
  • OrderExpired: Used to cancell an order when 60 seconds have elapsed from the order.
  • TicketCreated: Used to create ticket.
  • TicketUpdated: Used to update ticket's data.
  • PaymentsCreated: Used to create a payment for a ticket.


To Test a service you need to:

cd ./auth
npm run test
devDependencies Description
jest Delightful JavaScript Testing.
ts-jest A TypeScript preprocessor with source map support for Jest that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript.
supertest HTTP assertions made easy via superagent.
mongodb-memory-server Main default package which downloads mongod binary to ./node_modules/.cache directory on package install.


Dependencies Description
@giats-tickets/common This package contains common code of project giats-tickets like erros, events and middlewares.
cookie-session Simple cookie-based session middleware.
express Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
jsonwebtoken An implementation of JSON Web Tokens.
mongoose Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
mongoose-update-if-current This plugin brings optimistic concurrency control to Mongoose documents by incrementing document version numbers on each save, and preventing previous versions of a document from being saved over the current version.
express-async-errors A dead simple ES6 async/await support hack for ExpressJS.
express-validator An express.js middleware for validator.
ts-node-dev It restarts target node process when any of required files changes (as standard node-dev) but shares Typescript compilation process between restarts.
typescript TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript. TypeScript adds optional types to JavaScript that support tools for large-scale JavaScript applications.
axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
bootstrap Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
next The React Framework for Production.
react React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.
react-dom This package serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React.
react-stripe-checkout Stripe's Checkout makes it almost too easy to take people's money. This should make it even easier if you're building a react application.
bull The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based queue for Node. Carefully written for rock solid stability and atomicity.
node-nats-streaming NATS Streaming Server is an extremely performant, lightweight reliable streaming platform powered by NATS.


A Full Stack Website project for selling/buying tickets using microservices, MERN stack, Redis and automated CI/CD Github Actions. The app is deployed on DigitalOcean using kubernetes.






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