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Releases: vishalanandl177/DRF-API-Logger

Version 1.1.16

28 Jul 15:09
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What's Changed

  • Added support for application/vnd.*+json media types by @OmarNunezG in #93
  • Fix middleware handling to skip logging for static and media file requests by @abe-101 in #97

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.15...1.1.16

Version 1.1.15

01 Nov 18:17
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  1. Function mask_sensitive_data now cover list of dicts.
  2. Now ignore data based on Maximum request and response body s….
  3. Licence and version changes..

What's Changed

  • Update - change HTTP status codes to integers by @kylepollina in #78

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.14...1.1.15

Version 1.1.14

10 Jul 06:17
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Added priority for tracing id

  1. It will look in header first
  2. If not present in header, it will call function to generate uuid.

Version 1.1.13

09 Jul 19:05
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.12...1.1.13

Version 1.1.12

18 Jan 18:23
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.11...1.1.12

Minor fixes.

17 Sep 21:08
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  1. Changed request.path to request.path_info in middleware.
  2. Deprecation warning for thread setName or getName.
  3. Request twice when the method is not in DRF_API_LOGGER_METHODS.
  4. Unicode Escape problem in headers, body, and responses.

Added export option in CSV

12 Apr 16:35
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Merge pull request #42 from vishalanandl177/staging

added export option in CSV

Log only selected request methods and Multiple log delete issue fixed

27 Jan 17:55
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  1. [DjangoAdmin] KeyError when trying to delete multiple API Logger entry issue fixed.
  2. New feature added to log only selected methods.

Increase api field length to 1024, Add support for list of dicts, timezone support added

21 Dec 18:15
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  1. API field max_length increase from 512 to 1024.
  2. Add support for a list of dicts to hide sensitive data.
  3. Timezone support added.

For more info, check

Identify slow APIs and Delete permissions added

07 Jun 14:10
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You can also identify slow APIs by specifying DRF_API_LOGGER_SLOW_API_ABOVE in

A new filter (By API Performance) will be visible, and you can choose slow or fast API.
DRF_API_LOGGER_SLOW_API_ABOVE = 200 # Default to None
Now you can delete the DRF API Logger using the admin panel.