Saturn is a platform created by唯品会) to provide a distributed, fault tolerant and high available job scheduling service.
- Time based and language unrestricted job
- Easy job implmentation and web based management
- Parallel subtask(shard) scheduling
- 1-second-level scheduling supported
- Intelligent load based job allocation
- Fail detection & failover support
- Statistical data visualization
- All-around monitoring and easy troubleshooting
- Multi-active cluster deployment support
- Container friendly
- Stand the test of billion times scheduling per day
- and more
Make sure below stuff already been installed:
- Java 7+
- Maven 3.0.4+
- node.js 8.7.0+
- npm 5.4.2+
- git (any version)
Then checkout the code and start:
git clone
git checkout develop
cd saturn-docker
# for linux
chmod +x
# for MS Windows
# quickstart.bat
Or you can quick start via docker compose
To notice that the quick start just for demo purpose, for production environement, please follow this instruction.
3.3.1 is the latest stable release, or checkout the develop branch to try something new and cool.
Please go to for reading the documents of 3.0.
For the document of 2.x, please come here.
WeChat Group: Please add group owner viptech128
(备注"saturn") to join us!
Saturn is originated from Dangdang's elastic job, we enhance it according to our requirement and understandings. Special thanks to Zhang Liang@dangdang who give us a lot of help and suggestions.