This script was intended to be an NZBGet post-processing and scheduling script wrapper for Subliminal. However, it also works perfectly fine as a standalone script for others too.
Subliminal was written by Antoine Bertin (Diaoul Ael). This tool I'm hosting here merely acts as a wrapper to it by enhancing the great functionality it already provides. Subliminal allows us to take a video file (and/or a directory containing videos) you provide it. From there it makes use of a series of websites in efforts to obtain the subtitles associated with the videos it scanned. This wrapper extends this functionallity by controlling how many interenet requests are made for videos without subtitles. This script will prevents querying videos over and over again that simply don't have subtitles at all.
I maintain a fork of the Subliminal 0.7.x branch here where I've added my own enhancements to help make this tool do what I want to. Enhancments such as:
- The script pays attention to the date of the files and only acts on those that are within a certain (configurable) timeframe; the default age is 24 hours. This works really amazing for NZBGet users, but for those using this tool in it's standalone version may find it works for them too. This feature allows you to control how many times the internet is polled against a video that has never had subtitles posted for it. There is more detail on this below in the Command Line section on how to use (or disable) this feature.
- The script can operate in one of 5 modes:
- ImpairedOnly: Only attempt to fetch subtitles that are identified as supporting the hearing impaired. Note: This is not an enhancment and exists in the current version of subliminal.
- StandardOnly: Only attempt to fetch subtitles that are NOT identified as supporting the hearing impaired. Note: This is not an enhancment and exists in the current version of subliminal.
- BestScore: Just download the best matched subtitles reguardless of whether they are for the hearing impaired or not. Note: This is the default option.
- ImpairedFirst: This is similar to the BestScore mode above; except the script scores (weighs) the hearing impaired matches a bit higher in efforts to make them be priority over any other subtitles matched.
- StandardFirst: This is similar to the BestScore mode above; except the script scores (weighs) the hearing impaired matches a bit lower in efforts to make them be the last to be considered as a match.
- Python v2.6 Support in efforts to target a broader audience.
- Ensure you have at least Python v2.6 or higher installed onto your system.
- Simply place the and Subliminal directory together.
- NZBGet users: you'll want to place these inside of your nzbget/scripts directory. Please ensure you are running (at least) NZBGet v11.0 or higher. You can acquire the latest version of of it from here.
The Non-NZBGet users can also use this script via a cron (or simply call it from the command line) to automatically poll directories for the latest subtitles for the video content within it. See the Command Line section below for more instructions on how to do this.
Note: The Subliminal directory provides all of the nessisary dependencies in order for this script to work correctly. The directory is only required if you do not have the packages already available to your global environment. These dependant packages are all identified under the Dependencies section below.
The table below identifies the provider supports and the location that content is retrieved from.
Provider | Source |
addic7ed | |
opensubtitles | |
tvsubtitles | |
podnapisi | |
thesubdb | |
The following dependencies are already provided for you within the Subliminal directory and no further effort is required by you. However, it should be known that depends on the following packages:
Note: The items above denoted with a [P] were patched in efforts to:
- Make their libaries compatible with Python v2.6.
- Fix bugs to add stability to the overall functionality.
- Add the nessesary enhancments that benifit this wrapper tool.
To be as transparent as possible, all patches have been provided in the /patches directory. has a built in command line interface that can be easily tied to a cron entry or can be easilly called from the command line to automate the fetching of subtitles.
Here are the switches available to you:
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-S DIR, --scandir=DIR
The directory to scan against. Note: that by setting
this variable, it is implied that you are running this
from the command line.
-a AGE, --maxage=AGE The maximum age a file can be to be considered
searchable. This value is represented in hours. The
default value is 24 hours.
-l LANG, --language=LANG
The language the fetch the subtitles in (en, fr, etc).
The default value is 'en'.
Specify a list of providers (use commas as delimiters)
to identify the providers you wish to use. The
following will be used by default: 'opensubtitles,tvsu
-s, --single Download content without the language code in the
subtitle filename.
-b, --basic Do not attempt to parse additional information from
the video file. Running in a basic mode is much faster
but can make it more difficult to determine the
correct subtitle if more then one is matched.
-z SIZE_IN_MB, --minsize=SIZE_IN_MB
Specify the minimum size a video must be to be worthy
of of checking for subtiles. This value is interpreted
in MB (Megabytes) and defaults to 150 MB.
-c MINSCORE, --minscore=MINSCORE
When scoring multiple matched subtitles for a video,
this value identifies the threshold to assume the
subtitle is no good and should be thrown away when
being compared against others. It currently defaults
to 20.
-k, --skip-embedded If embedded subtitles were detected, choose not to use
them and continue to search for the subtitles hosted
by the identified provider(s).
-f, --force Force a download reguardless of the file age. This
switch negates any value specified by the --age (-a)
-o, --overwrite Overwrite a subtitle in the event one is already
-m MODE, --fetch-mode=MODE
Identify the fetch mode you wish to invoke, the
options are: 'ImpairedOnly', 'StandardOnly',
'BestScore', 'StandardFirst', 'ImpairedFirst'. The
default value is: BestScore
-U USERNAME, --addic7ed-username=USERNAME
You must specify a Addic7ed username if you wish to
use them as one of your chosen providers.
-P PASSWORD, --addic7ed-password=PASSWORD
You must specify a Addic7ed password if you wish to
use them as one of your chosen providers.
-L FILE, --logfile=FILE
Send output to the specified logfile instead of
-D, --debug Debug Mode
Here is simple example:
# Scan a single directory (recursively) for english subtitles
python -s -f -S /usr/share/TVShows
You can scan multiple directories with the following command:
# Scan a single directory (recursively) for english subtitles
python -s -f -S "/usr/share/TVShows, /usr/share/Movies"
Another nice feature this tool offers is the ability to expire the need to check certain content over and over again. Considering that most of us keep all our videos in one common location. It would be excessive overkill to poll the internet each and every time for each and every file we have (for subtitles) over and over again. We can assume, that if there are no subtitles for a given video within the last 24 hours of it's existance on our system, then there simply aren't going to be any later. I realize this isn't always the case; but for most situations it will be.
In the above examples, I provided a --force (-f) switch which bypasses this feature. But if you want to set up a cron entry to scan your library on a regular basis, this feature can save you time and effort. A cron could be easily configured to scan your library every hour as so:
# $> crontab -e
0 * * * * /path/to/ -s -S "/usr/share/TVShows, /usr/share/Movies"
If 24 hours seems to short of a window for you, then just specify the --age (-a) switch and adjust the time to your needs. Remember: it's value is represented in hours.