Solutions to Advent of Code website
_ _ __ _____ _
/\ | | | | / _| / ____| | |
/ \ __| |_ _____ _ __ | |_ ___ | |_ | | ___ __| | ___
/ /\ \ / _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| / _ \| _| | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
/ ____ \ (_| |\ V / __/ | | | |_ | (_) | | | |___| (_) | (_| | __/
/_/ \_\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__| \___/|_| \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|
Fill out config.json using config.json.sample. Optional user-agent can be added due to this: link
# Download input (Requires config.json with SESSION_ID in it)
# bun cli.ts input -y YEAR -d DAY
bun cli.ts -d 1 input
# Copy .ts file from previous day
bun cli.ts -d 1 copy ts
# Submit answer PART ANSWER
bun cli.ts -d 1 submit 1 123
# Download prompt
bun cli.ts -d 1 prompt
# List all the solution for the year
bun cli.ts list
# Print help
bun cli.ts help
# --- OLD CLI ---
# Download input (Requires config.json with SESSION_ID in it)
# node cli.js download -y YEAR -d DAY
node cli.js download -d 1
# Copy .js file from previous day
node cli.js copy js -d 1
# Print help
node cli.js help
chokidar -p true --polling-interval 1000 "20*/**/*" -c "node main.js 2019 11 | tee output.txt"
chokidar "20*/**/*" -c "bun main.ts 1 > output.txt 2>&1"
watchexec -w 2024 -r -- python ./2024/day1/
bun --watch 2021/day12/day12.ts
bun --watch test 2021/day12
# Run one year solutions
# node main.js YEAR
node main.js 2018
# Run one day solutions
# node main.js YEAR DAY
node main.js 2018 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
# node main.js DAY
node main.js 1
(Requires Bun)
# Run one day solutions
# bun main.ts YEAR DAY
bun main.ts 2018 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
# bun main.ts DAY
bun main.ts 1
(Requires Deno)
# Run one day solutions
# deno run --allow-run main-deno.ts YEAR DAY
deno run --allow-run main-deno.ts 2018 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
# deno run --allow-run main-deno.ts DAY
deno run --allow-run main-deno.ts 1
(Requires inlein)
(Requires Babashka)
# Jack-in to repl
bb nrepl-server
# Run one day solutions
bb main.clj 2021 1
# Run one day solutions for current year
bb main.clj 1
# Run one day solutions
# inlein main-inlein.clj YEAR DAY
inlein main-inlein.clj 2019 1
# Run one day solutions for current year
# inlein main-inlein.clj DAY
inlein main-inlein.clj 1
(Requires dotnet + dotnet-script)
# dotnet script PATH_TO_CS_FILE
dotnet script 2023/day1/day1.cs
# Run one day solutions
# python3 YEAR DAY
python3 2022 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
# python3 DAY
python3 1
# Run one year solutions
# ruby main.rb YEAR
ruby main.rb 2018
# Run one day solutions
# ruby main.rb YEAR DAY
ruby main.rb 2018 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
# ruby main.rb DAY
ruby main.rb 1
(Requires rust-script)
# Run one day solutions
./ 2022 1
# Run one day solutions using current year
./ 1
# Run file directly
lua 2023/day1/day1.lua
# Compile
stack ghc 2019/day1/day1.hs
# Run compiled
# Run without compiling
stack runghc -- main.hs 2019 1
# Run file directly
stack runghc -- 2019/day1/day1.hs
# Run file directly
zig run 2023/day1/day1.zig