Reverse engineering of Vinted's API for Andorid. The content of this repository is born for a peronal research, there isn't any collaboration with Vinted.
- Sign In
- Search users by username
- Get user's items on sale by userId
- Get user's feedbacks by userId
- Get Current user's favourite items
- Get Current user's wallet info
- Get Current user's order
npm i @vincenzoaiello/vintedapi
For private features on the current user, you have to get a private token. You can get it using mitmproxy sniffing the requests made to a
const VintedApi = require("@vincenzoaiello/vintedapi");
(async () => {
let vinted = new VintedApi.VintedApi();
//get public token for the next requests
await vinted.getToken();
//sign in
await vinted.signIn("username", "[email protected]", "password");
//Search users by username
let user = await vinted.getUserByName("username");
//Get user's items on sale by userId
console.log(await vinted.getUserItems(;
//Get user's feedbacks by userId
console.log(await vinted.getUserFeedbacks(;
//Set private token
await vinted.setPrivateToken("token");
//Get info of the account associated to the private Token
console.log(await vinted.getCurrenUser());
//Get Current user's favourite items
console.log(await vinted.getCurrentUserFav());
//Get Current user's wallet info
console.log(await vinted.getCurrentUserWallet());
//Get Current user's order
console.log(await vinted.getCurrentUserOrders());
//revoke public token
await vinted.revokeToken();
I'm working on login, read notification, read meassages, sell items and other features but at the moment i have problem with the login authentication. If you can help me, contact me via email: [email protected]