=== WPoniOS === Contributors: vincentsaluzzo Donate link: http://example.com/ Tags: rest, iphone, android, webservice, post, page Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: 4.3
WPoniOS - Rest API is a plugin which provide a rest interface in WordPress CMS.
== Description ==
WPoniOS - Rest API is a plugin which provide a rest interface in WordPress CMS.
The REST interface return and accept JSON-Format data. Example:
"post":"this is the post body",
The REST API provide methods to get information about post, page, comment, tag and category:
- GET /posts
- GET /post/:post_id
- GET /post/:post_id/comments
- GET /post/:post_id/comment/:comment_id
- PUT /post/:post_id/comment
- GET /pages
- GET /page/:page_id
- GET /page/:page_id/comments
- GET /page/:page_id/comment/:comment_id
- PUT /page/:page_id/comment
- GET /categories
- GET /tags
== Installation ==
- Upload the entire wponios-restapi folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Configure the plugin through the WPoniOS menu in Wordpress.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
== Screenshots ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
- First version