Cucumber demo bij Atos test competence
- Java IDE met cucumber plugin.
- Selenium wordt aan de hand van de pom geimporteerd.
- Firefox (wordt als webdriver gebruikt)
voorbeeld stukje Gerkin, hier wordt een Scenario outline gebruikt:
Scenario Outline: verify whether the check-out date field accepts a later date than check-in date
Given I am on the adactin site
When I set the location to "<Location>"
And I select Hotel "<Hotels>"
And I select Room type "<Roomtype>"
Then the search results in an error message
|Location |Hotels |Roomtype |
|Sydney |Hotel Creek |Standard |
|London |Hotel Sunshine|Double |
Voorbeeld van een normaal Scenario:
Scenario: verify whether locations in Select Hotel page are displayed
Given I am on the adactin site
And I log in with my credentials
And I am logged in
When I set the location to "Sydney"
And I select Hotel "Hotel Creek"
And I select Room type "Standard"
And I select the number of rooms "1"
And I select the amount of adults "1"
And I select the amount of children "0"
And the day that I check in is "0" days from now
And the day that I check out is "1" days from now
Then The right hotel should be shown