This repository contains the source for the Rundeck docker image.
- Based on debian:jessie
- Supervisor, Apache2, and rundeck
- No SSH. Use docker exec or nsenter
- If RUNDECK_PASSWORD is not supplied, it will be randomly generated and shown via stdout.
- Supply the SERVER_URL or else you won't get too far :)
- As always, update passwords for pre-installed accounts
- I sometimes get connection reset by peer errors when building the Docker image from the Rundeck download URL. Trying again usually works.
docker pull jordan/rundeck
Start a new container and bind to host's port 4440
sudo docker run -p 4440:4440 -e SERVER_URL=http://MY.HOSTNAME.COM:4440 -t jordan/rundeck:latest
To add (external) plugins, add the jars to the /opt/rundeck-plugins volume and they will be copied over to Rundeck's libext directory at container startup
SERVER_URL - Full URL in the form http://MY.HOSTNAME.COM:4440, http//123.456.789.012:4440, etc
RDECK_JVM - Additional parameters sent to the rundeck JVM (ex: -Dserver.web.context=/rundeck)
DATABASE_URL - For use with (container) external database
RUNDECK_PASSWORD - MySQL 'rundeck' user password
RUNDECK_STORAGE_PROVIDER - Options file (default) or db. See:
RUNDECK_PROJECT_STORAGE_TYPE - Options file (default) or db. See:
NO_LOCAL_MYSQL - false (default). Set to true if using an external MySQL container or instance. Make sure to set DATABASE_URL and RUNDECK_PASSWORD (used for JDBC connection to MySQL). Further details for setting up MYSQL:
/var/lib/rundeck - Not recommended to use as a volume as it contains webapp. For SSH key you can use the this volume: /var/lib/rundeck/.ssh
/opt/rundeck-plugins - For adding external plugins